To fix Windows stop code 0Xc000021A, there are different ways or methods you can find and fix;1. Updating the drivers 2. Update Windows 3. Reset BIOS 4. Repair corrupted system files 5. Update device drives2. What is blue screen clock watchdog timeout Windows 11?
如果致电支持人员,请向他们提供以下信息:终止代码: 0xc000021a 一般遇到蓝屏代码为0xc000021a的错误,为用户模式子系统文件损坏。可以多次开机重启进入自动修复模式,然后选择高级选项。依次选择【疑难解答】>【高级选项】>【启动修复】,启动修复工具将自动扫描并尝试修复问题,修复完成后重启电脑即可。还不行就是进入安全...
some common Windows stop codes, how to find and fix Windows stop errors on your PC. Blue screen of death is a royal pain for many users over the decades. Hopefully, this guide here can help you better understand the blue screen errors....
Error 0xC000021A means STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED. This error occurs when a critical process, such as Winlogon (winlogon.exe) or the Client Server Run-Time Subsystem (csrss.exe), fails. After the kernel detects that either of those services stopped, it returns the STOP 0xC00002...
停止錯誤碼 c000021a {嚴重系統錯誤} Windows SubSystem 系統進程意外終止,狀態為 0xc0000005。 系統已關閉。 使用系統檔案檢查工具來修復遺失或損毀的系統檔案。 系統檔案檢查程式可讓使用者掃描 Windows 系統檔案中的損毀,並還原損毀的檔案。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱使用系統檔案檢查程式。
Yesterday morning I had the blue screen of death, stop code 0xc000021a. I have done every recovery option possible to get the computer to boot up. I have just run the HP System Extensive Test, and it says Hard Drive Optimised DST Check: Failed. Failure ID: ...
停止错误代码 c000021a {致命系统错误} Windows SubSystem 系统进程意外终止,状态为 0xc0000005。 系统已关闭。 使用系统文件检查器工具修复丢失或损坏的系统文件。 系统文件检查器允许用户扫描 Windows 系统文件中的损坏情况并还原损坏的文件。 有关详细信息,请参阅使用系统文件检查器工具。
Reinstalling the application can fix corrupted registry keys. If the problem persists, and you have run a recent system state backup, try to restore the registry hives from the backup. SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Stop error code c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows Sub...
Stop error code c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows SubSystem system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005. The system has been shut down. Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files. The System File Checker lets users scan for corrupt...
STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x00000403 (0×00000000 0×00000000). The system has been shut down. Restart and set the recovery options in the system control panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option....