The winlogon.exe process is part of Windows Logon Application of Microsoft. Here are further details of winlogon.exe, and whether it might be a virus or spyware.
Windows 10 Stopcode 0xc000021a - boot loop: My PC is is stuck in a bootloop and I can't find a fix. Before redirecting me to similar posts, please read the issues I am facing. I have created a USB Boot drive via Microsoft media creation tool, I can boot to this drive and access...
Stop code:0xc000021a on Acer Nitro 5 laptop Hi TN. I'm Greg, an installation specialist, 10 year Windows MVP, and Volunteer Moderator here to help you. Go into BIOS/UEFI Setup to see if you can set the onboard chip to default. You can power on while pressing the Acer F1 or ESC ...
which is caused by incompatible drivers; and "stop error 0xc000021a" which occurs when programs fail to respond appropriately during their execution processes. what does it mean when i get a white screen instead of blue ? when you receive a white screen instead of a blue one, this likely ...
If Winlogon exits 'gracefully' the system shuts down, but if it fails in some way SMSS deliberately causes a bugcheck (STOP 0xC000021A). This is slightly different on Terminal Server as each session has it's own copy of Winlogon and exiting closes only that session....
Let’s take a look at the fatal system error blue screen c000021a, which is one of the most popular fatal system errors you may encounter. STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x00000403 (0×00000000 0×0000000...
A Windows stop code, also called a bug check or bug check code, is a unique number that identifies a specific stop error (Blue Screen of Death – BSOD). The Windows stopcode is displayed in the hexadecimal format that starts with 0x, followed by an eight-character string. ...
I am investigating what the kernel is doing on my server, you can see kernel time in CPU chart in below screenshot, it uses 90% of the active CPU usage, then I use Process Hacker to display all processes' user CPU Time and kernel Time, save them in excel and sum up their valu...
which is caused by incompatible drivers; and "stop error 0xc000021a" which occurs when programs fail to respond appropriately during their execution processes. what does it mean when i get a white screen instead of blue ? when you receive a white screen instead of a blue one, this likely ...
I am investigating what the kernel is doing on my server, you can see kernel time in CPU chart in below screenshot, it uses 90% of the active CPU usage, then I use Process Hacker to display all processes' user CPU Time and kernel Time, save them in excel and sum up their values...