Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/IP address/port) is normally permitted. This error occurs if an application attempts tobinda socket to an IP address/port that has already been used for an existing socket, or a socket that wasn't closed properly, or one that is still in t...
对socket 和 fd_set集合的操作 FD_SET(int fd, fd_set *fdset);//向集合中添加socket s FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *fdset);//从集合中删除指定的socket s FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set *fdset);//如果s是结合中的成员,则返回非0,否则返回0 FD_ZERO(fd_set *fdset); //将集合初始化为空集合 4...
在UWP 应用中,StreamSocket 对象上的 ConnectAsync 方法尝试在名称解析前后发现代理和当前代理配置,以帮助加快建立连接的速度。 如果为终结点而不是服务名称指定了端口,则会在内部启动代理发现和名称解析。 如果代理发现在名称解析之前完成,并且 ProxyConfiguration 对象上的 CanConnectDirectly 属性为 false,则将尝试代理...
Another benefit of using these two APIs is that you can reuse the socket handle by specifying the TF_REUSE_SOCKET flag in addition to the TF_DISCONNECT flag. Once the API completes the data transfer, a transport-level disconnect is initiated. The socket can then be reused in an AcceptEx ...
socket即套接字,用于描述地址和端口,是一个通信链的句柄。应用程序通过socket向网络发出请求或者回应。 sockets(套接字)编程有三种,流式套接字(SOCK_STREAM),数据报套接字(SOCK_DGRAM),原始套接字(SOCK_RAW);前两种较常用。基于TCP的socket编程是采用的流式套接字。
Connectionless, message-oriented sockets allow the sending and receiving of datagrams to and from arbitrary peers usingsendtoandrecvfrom. If such a socket is connected to a specific peer, datagrams can be sent to that peer usingsendand can be received only from this peer usingrecv. ...
A connection to another socket is created with a connect (Windows Sockets) call. Once connected, data can be transferred using send and recv calls. When a session has been completed, a closesocket call must be performed.The communications protocols used to implement a reliable, connection-...
A socket can be in "blocking mode" or "nonblocking mode." The functions of sockets in blocking (or synchronous) mode do not return until they can complete their action. This is called blocking because the socket whose function was called cannot do anything — is blocked — until the call ...
Both kinds of sockets are bidirectional; they are data flows that can be communicated in both directions simultaneously (full-duplex). Two socket types are available: Stream sockets Stream sockets provide for a data flow without record boundaries: a stream of bytes. Streams are guaranteed to be ...
Windows Sockets server applications generally create a socket and then use the listen() function on the socket to receive connection requests. One of the parameters passed when using the listen() function is the backlog of connection requests that the application would like Windows Sockets to ...