1.建立socket 2.将该socket设置为非阻塞模式 3.调用connect() 4.使用select()检查该socket描述符是否可写(注意,是可写) 5.根据select()返回的结果判断connect()结果 6.将socket设置为阻塞模式(如果你的程序不需要用阻塞模式的,这步就省了,不过一般情况下都是用阻塞模式的,这样也容易管理) // widonws: 默认...
1.建立socket 2.将该socket设置为非阻塞模式 3.调用connect() 4.使用select()检查该socket描述符是否可写(注意,是可写) 5.根据select()返回的结果判断connect()结果 6.将socket设置为阻塞模式(如果你的程序不需要用阻塞模式的,这步就省了,不过一般情况下都是用阻塞模式的,这样也容易管理) // widonws: 默认...
When the socket call completes successfully, the socket is ready to send and receive data. If the address member of the structure specified by the name parameter is all zeroes, connect will return the error WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL. Any attempt to reconnect an active connection will fail with the error...
int iTimeOut = nTimeOut; setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&iTimeOut, sizeof(iTimeOut)); setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char*)&iTimeOut, sizeof(iTimeOut)); return sockfd; } while (FALSE); closesocket(sockfd); return NULL; } 用于connect超时控制。
However, to connect to a broadcast address, a socket must use setsockopt (Windows Sockets) to enable the SO_BROADCAST option. Otherwise, connect will fail with the error code WSAEACCES.When a connection between sockets is broken, the sockets should be discarded and recreated. When a problem ...
However, to connect to a broadcast address, a socket must use setsockopt (Windows Sockets) to enable the SO_BROADCAST option. Otherwise, connect will fail with the error code WSAEACCES.When a connection between sockets is broken, the sockets should be discarded and recreated. When a problem ...
However, to connect to a broadcast address, a socket must use setsockopt (Windows Sockets) to enable the SO_BROADCAST option. Otherwise, connect will fail with the error code WSAEACCES.When a connection between sockets is broken, the sockets should be discarded and recreated. When a problem ...
SOCKET slisten=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if(slisten==INVALID_SOCKET) { cout<<"socket error !"<<endl; return 0; } //绑定IP和端口 sockaddr_in sin;//ipv4的指定方法是使用struct sockaddr_in类型的变量 sin.sin_family = AF_INET; ...
因为socket已设为非阻塞,所以connect会立即返回,但并不表示它不继续执行? 搜一些资料记载如下: 如何设置socket的Connect超时(linux) 1.首先将标志位设为Non-blocking模式,准备在非阻塞模式下调用connect函数 2.调用connect,正常情况下,因为TCP三次握手需要一些时间;而非阻塞调用只要不能立即完成就会返回错误,所以这里会...
七、客户端connect() int WSAAPI connect( [in] SOCKET s, [in] const sockaddr *name, [in] int namelen ); 参数 [in] s 标识未连接的套接字的描述符。 [in] name 指向应建立连接的 sockaddr 结构的指针。 [in] namelen name 参数指向的 sockaddr 结构的长度(以字节为单位)。