本主題適用於 IT 專業人員,提供有關在 Windows 作業系統中實作智慧卡技術的資源連結。 其中包含與智慧卡使用相關的架構、憑證管理和服務的下列資源: 智慧卡架構:瞭解如何啟用智慧卡和智慧卡卡片閱讀機的通訊,根據提供智慧卡的廠商而有所不同 憑證需求和列舉:瞭解以操作系統為基礎的智慧卡憑證...
本主题面向 IT 专业人员和智能卡开发人员,链接到有关智能卡调试、设置和事件的信息。智能卡技术参考的此部分包含有关以下内容的信息:智能卡调试信息:了解受支持的 Windows 版本中的工具和服务,以帮助识别证书问题 智能卡组策略和注册表设置:了解可按计算机设置的智能卡相关组策略设置和注册表项,包括如何编辑组策略设置...
<securityDescriptor name="ServiceXSecurity"/> </serviceData> <registryKeys buildFilter=""> <registryKey keyName="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SCardSvr\Parameters"> <registryValue name="ServiceDll"value="%SystemRoot%\System32\SCardSvr.dll"valueType="REG_EXPAND_SZ"/> <registry...
本文提供一些使用第三方證書頒發機構單位來啟用智慧卡登入的指導方針。 原始KB 編號:281245 摘要 您可以遵循本文中的指導方針,啟用 Microsoft Windows 2000 和非 Microsoft 證書頒發機構單位 (CA) 的智慧卡登入程式。 本文稍後將說明此設定的有限支援。 其他相關資訊 ...
[S012] Administrator [{0}] creating certificate [upn: {1} sid: {2} rule: {3}]Certificate Definition: {4} Security Context: {5}] [S013] Administrator [{0}] deleting certificates [upn: {1} role: {2} Certificate Definition: {3} Security Context: {4}] ...
Windows Presentation Foundation Security Sandbox Windows Vista Display Driver Model Windows Workflow Foundation: Creating a Custom Composite Activity Windows Workflow Foundation: Everything About Re-Hosting the Workflow Designer Windows Vista Integrity Mechanism Technical Reference Windows Vista Smart Card Infrastr...
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. Security: The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat.
Microsoft office doesn't see this card. Windows VPN: "A certificate could not be found that can be used with this Extensible Authentication Protocol." Keepass2 (RSA Certificate Key Provider plugin - uses windows security): "No cerficiate available. No certificates meets the application criteria....
Assume that you install the on a computer that is running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. You remotely connect the computer to a Windows 8.1-based or Windows Server 2012 R2-based Remote Desktop Host server, ...
The smart card concept—basically, a credit card with an embedded microchip—is around 30 years old. But today's emphasis on security is driving companies and governments alike to take a fresh look at some old ideas. Smart cards are a compelling alternative to the weak link of authentication...