The easiest way to connect a smart card to a virtual machine is to use remote desktop to connect to the virtual machine, and enable smart card sharing. Since Windows Virtual PC uses remote desktop technology you get this out of the box.However...
Windows.Devices.SmartCards CardAddedEventArgs CardRemovedEventArgs KnownSmartCardAppletIds 智能卡 智能卡 属性 方法 SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult SmartCardAppletIdGroup SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration SmartCardAutomaticResponseApdu ...
子機碼:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards\<Smart card name> 子機碼登錄專案: ATR=十六進位 DWORD:智慧卡的逗號分隔 ATR。 ATRMask= 十六進位 DWORD:要套用至 ATR 的逗號分隔遮罩,以遮罩 ATR 中微不足道的位元組。
driver32_61_Install.NT][Minidriver64_61_Install.NT.Services]AddService= ,2[Minidriver32_61_Install.NT.Services]AddService= ,2; === Generic ===[Strings]ProviderName="Microsoft"CardDeviceName="Fabrikam Generic Smart card" 若要生成示例中DEVICE_ID字符串引用的硬件设备 ID,请按照智能卡微型驱动程序...
Windows Workflow Foundation: Creating a Custom Composite Activity Windows Workflow Foundation: Everything About Re-Hosting the Workflow Designer Windows Vista Integrity Mechanism Technical Reference Windows Vista Smart Card Infrastructure Columns Books Writing coupled WMI providers using WMI.NET Provider Extensio...
PentruTip de informații de conectare, alegeți tipul informațiilor de conectare (adică acreditările) de utilizat. Acesta poate fi un nume de utilizator și o parolă, o parolă unică, un certificat sau un smart card, dacă vă conectați la o rețea VPN pentr...
Smart Card and Reader Access Functions (Windows CE 5.0) 發行項 2012/09/14 Send Feedback The following table shows the functions that connect to and communicate with a specific smart card. I/O operations to the smart card use a buffer for sending or receiving data plus a structure that ...
You log on with a password interactively, whereas you log on with a certificate by using its private key, which is stored on a smart card and read with a smart card reader. When you install Windows 7, the operating system installs default user accounts. You'll find several built-in ...
{SetConnect(); } 用户在PIN码输入框完成PIN码键入后,智能卡Windows Credential Provider调用ICredentialProviderCredential:: GetSerialization函数。在GetSerialization函数中调用智能卡API校验SFI_PIN对应控件的PIN码是否正确,若检验失败,设置SFI_TIP_TEXT对应的提示文字为PIN码校验结果提示信息。若校验成功,则读取和解密文...
I know my smart card works because I use it at work but I can't figure out how to make it work for just an admin account on my home computer. I know that it can work with 7 because I use to to connect to work related websites. My Computer Quote ...