1、安装git,然后在git bash里运行;但是没有解决想在cmd命令行中运行bash命令的问题。 2、安装MSYS2,网址,这个安装完了可以直接在cmd中执行bash命令。 注意要添加路径: If MSYS2 is installed toC:\msys64, addC:\msys64\usr\binto your%PATH%environment variable. AddMSYS64_BASH=C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash....
【windows 7下git bash终端如何向cmd终端一样支持utf-8字符?】#SegmentFault每日问答# 分享自@SegmentFault,问题传送门: http://t.cn/8kMwOt2
Run the Shell Script File Follow the simple steps below to run the shell script file on a Windows PC: Press theWindows Key + Ragain to open Run. Type in “cmd” and pressCTRL + Shift + Entertorun Command Prompt as administrator. ...
What happened? I want to run "nvm ls" through node:exec or spawn, but now there is a problem: "NVM for Windows should be run from a terminal such as CMD or PowerShell"; Version: 1.1.12, but version 1.1.11 can run normally; I don't know w...
默认值:"cmd.exe" 示例:若要每次运行cmd.exe时运行批处理文件,请将此值设置为“cmd.exe /k path\to\script.bat” 起始目录 这是加载 shell 时所处的起始目录。 属性名称:startingDirectory 必要性:可选 接受:字符串形式的文件夹位置 默认值:"%USERPROFILE%" ...
Bash sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa 在>1提示字元中,輸入下列RESTORE DATABASE命令,並在每一行之後按 ENTER 鍵 (您無法一次複製並貼上整個多行命令)。 請以您的資料庫名稱取代所有出現的YourDB。 SQL RESTOREDATABASEYourDBFROMDISK ='/var/opt/mssql/backup/YourDB.bak'WITHMOVE'YourDB'TO'/var/opt/mssql...
For example, to see the command history from the current command prompt session, run: doskey /history The output shows all the commands from the CMD session from oldest to newest. 23. driverquery Command Thedriverquerycommand displays the installed device drivers and their information. The command...