Run Linux commands under WSL without leaving your PowerShell or CMD! Topics bash windows-10 wsl command-line-tool Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Custom properties Stars 91 stars Watchers 9 watching Forks 9 forks Report repository Releases 1 ...
后面加上一个命令,比如docker run -it [image] /bin/bash,CMD 会被忽略掉,命令 bash 将被执行: root@10a32dc7d3d3:/# 5. ENTRYPOINT ENTRYPOINT 指令可让容器以应用程序或者服务的形式运行。 ENTRYPOINT 看上去与 CMD 很像,它们都可以指定要执行的命令及其参数。不同的地方在于 ENTRYPOINT 不会被忽略,一定...
进入容器,安装ssh server,以及配置开机启动 [root@docker ~]# docker exec -it test-centos1 /bin/bash [root@d72250ecaa5e /]# ifconfig bash: ifconfig: command not found 1. 2. 3. *注:命令最后参数 /bin/bash: 指进入容器时执行的命令(command) 我们检查了下容器,暂时安装以下必用的软件吧 net-...
第二种格式是可执行程序运行方式,不会以"/bin/sh -c”来发起,无shell环境,所有shell变量不能引用,但是可以用"/bin/bash -c”作为启动命令达到第一种格式效果 第三种格式需要结合ENTRYPOINT使用,作用是为其提供默认参数 所有的json 数组格式,都要使用双引号,而不是单引号 CMD的主要目的是为正在执行的容器提供默...
To start a bash terminal AND get aliases like 'll' to work, I use cmd.exe /c "D:\Programme\cmder\vendor\git-for-windows\bin\bash.exe" --login -i However, IntelliJ prints the following error everytime I open a terminal: Creating user startup file: /config/ cp: canno...
Listening to the community voice, Microsoft first improved CMD, PowerShell and many other Windows command-line tools and secondly did what was unbelievable few years back. Microsoft decided to add real,native Bashand with it support forLinux command-line toolswhich run directly on Windows in an ...
Bash[ShellFileName].sh Run the shell script file using Windows Subsystem for Linux This is how you run a shell script (.SH) file on a Windows computer using WSL. If this seems like a lengthy process for you, then you can also use the alternative method given below. ...
$ docker run -e MYVAR1 --env MYVAR2=foo --env-file ./env.list ubuntu bash Use the -e, --env, and --env-file flags to set simple (non-array) environment variables in the container you're running, or overwrite variables defined in the Dockerfile of the image you're running. ...
在容器内执行 /bin/bash命令 # eg: 使用镜像centos:latest以交互模式启动一个容器,在容器内执行/bin/bash命令。 dockerrun-it centos/bin/bash 2.1.docker -v 挂载 (目录) 我们可以多次挂载 ・挂载 maven ・挂载 jenkins 相关资料 (十)Docker-V 详解 - sixinshuier - 博客园 ...
First we made investments that improve cmd, PowerShell, and many other command-line tools and developer scenarios. Second we decided to grow our command line family by adding real, native Bash and with it support for Linux command-line tools which run directly on Windows in an environment that...