PC Cleaner for Windows is designed to address common performance issues on your Windows PC. It offers a set of tools to help clean, optimize, and organize your system for improved efficiency. The key features of the app include: Junk Cleaning - PC Clean
3 存储感Windows 10在“设置”>“系统”>“存储”中包含大部分相同的功能。您可以使用位于顶部的Storage Sense在磁盘空间不足时或每隔一段时间自动清理文件。在PC上使用空间的列表中,单击“临时文件”,您可以删除与“磁盘清理”中相同类型的数据。4 第2步:消除大文件你删除了不必要的文件;清理Windows 10的下一...
Free Windows Cleanup Tool Free Windows Cleanup Tool is a collection of tools to optimize your PC's performance. It allows you to find and remove the junk files in your computer, invalid registry entries, defrag windows registry, delete your internet usage history, provides plug-in support to ...
Windows 10下的清理神器ccleaner 神器ccleaner已被很多人推荐,这里着重展示其自动处理的功能,以便一劳永逸。打开ccleaner,点击选项,勾选系统自动运行,这时会跳出提示选择是,如此。每次电脑开机就会知道运行。然后点击计划运行,选择登陆时。也可以进一步选择监控,进行设置。设置完成后,不出意外,以后都不会手动打开...
CCleaner可能是其中最著名的Windows清洁工具。不仅Windows 10(及旧版本),此实用程序软件还适用于macOS。它的付费版本Ccleaner Professional Plus售价为29.95美元。使其成为最佳的免费PC清洁器免费应用程序之一,是它提供了除数据删除功能之外的众多功能。例如,您可以用它擦拭硬盘。
Duplicate Cleaner是一款重复文件清理工具,它的主要功能是帮助用户查找和移除冗余的文档、照片、音乐或视频。 该软件的使用界面非常友好,允许用户自行选择多个文件夹进行扫描,并可自定义搜索规则。其搜索规则下面有三种模式:常规模式、图片模式、音频模式,满足用户对不同类型文件的清理需求。 Duplicate Cleaner能够根据字节、...
There are some free program uninstaller software out there to allow you uninstall unwanted programs in Windows 10. Check the 5 best free uninstaller software for Windows 10/8/7 in this post. MiniTool software also offers you free data recovery software, hard drive partition manager, etc. On ...
Download Grammarly app for Windows 10/11 PC, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad, Word, or Chrome and use it to improve your writing in a word processor and other apps. Read More CCleaner CCleaner is also the best free PC health check software for Windows 11/10. It makes your computer faster ...
CCleaner:Windows10阻止最受欢迎的垃圾清理软件 CCleaner是有史以来最流行的系统清理工具,有数百万台电脑正在使用CCleaner删除数据垃圾或清理注册表。而长期以来,微软一直对系统清理软件持反对态度。Windows10内置的安全软件Windows Defender最近开始针对一些免费系统清理软件弹窗警告。关于是否需要清理操作系统一直存在着争论...
This CCleaner for Windows 10 has been used by billions of users since from its release. This makes your pc more reliable and secure as it clears all junk files, cookies and history to make your HDD free. This CCleaner clears all your saved passwords and settings in you browser and keeps...