PC Cleaner for Windows is designed to address common performance issues on your Windows PC. It offers a set of tools to help clean, optimize, and organize your system for improved efficiency. The key features of the app include: Junk Cleaning - PC Clean
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官网:https://www.ccleaner.com/zh-cn 厂商:重庆莫时初电子商务有限公司曲靖分公司 ccleanerpc版软件是非常好用的电脑清理软件,ccleaner win10电脑版是专注于清理优化为核心功能服务的应用产品,主要用来清除windows的系统日志、临时文件、注册表文件等等,与此同时还可以更好的保护用户的个人浏览隐私,快来下载试试吧...
PC Cleaner Advanced is a powerful and easy-to-use tool designed to antivirus, clean and optimize your PC. It helps you clean virus, malware, adware and any threats to your PC. Also, the app quickly scans and cleans duplicated files, large files, and junk
外媒Softpedia 消息称,系统清理工具 CCleaner 已出现在新改版的 Microsoft Store for Windows 11 中。CCleaner 是一款系统优化和隐私保护工具,主要用来清除 Windows 系统的垃圾文件与使用者的上网记录。 外媒Softpedia 消息称,系统清理工具 CCleaner 已出现在新改版的 Microsoft Store for Windows 11 中。CCleaner 是一...
1、CCleaner是Piriform的系统清理优化及隐私保护软件,能快速扫描并清理Windows系统垃圾文件、上网记录等,附带软件卸载功能。 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sCahuwkf2YmqFcrMPC1zOA 2、TreeSize Professional9.1.5.1885 中文绿色便携版 https://pan.baidu.com/s/10hypju39MBN3NBZLqa789Q ...
CCleaner CCleaner 是 Windows 上一款知名的第三方清理软件,功能非常齐全。CCleaner 不仅能做清理工作还能优化系统、管理系统。它清理的项目列表里包含从自带系统到安装的软件,其中有些清理项目需要付费购买后才能解锁。我想如此全方位的扫描应该不会有遗漏的地方了。
2.CCleaner CCleaner曾经是一款值得信赖的Windows垃圾清理应用程序,但被Avast收购后声誉一落千丈。过去的...
PC Cleaner Pro takes the Guess-work Out of Optimizing Your PC, Clean Out Junk Files & Free Up Valuable Disk Space PC Cleaner Pro is the right tool to easily restore your computer to the way it was when it was new. Automatically clean up junk files, free
CCleaner for Windows 10 :CCleaner is a software which is recommended by Microsoft solutions which accelerates the Operating System. This is the best program which cleans all the unwanted data in your system. CCleaner on Windows 10,8.1,7 cleans all junk file and caches from HDD for faster wo...