Windows 11新版Snipping Tool初步上手: 除了计算器和 Mail & Calendar 应用之外,微软现在开始邀请 Dev 频道的 Windows Insider 项目成员对新推出的截图工具进行测试。该工具结合了经典版 Snipping Tool 和 Snip & Sketch 的优点,并简单的称之为“Snipping Tool”。这款全新的 Snipping Tool 在视觉方面对 WinUI 控件...
See it, snip it, share it. Take a snapshot to copy words or images from all or part of your PC screen. Use Snipping Tool to make changes or notes, then save, and share. To start using the Snipping Tool pressWindows logo key+ Shift + S. ...
安装Sniptool 后,它会自动关联到系统的 PrintScreen 键上,你可以用这个键来快速启动 Sniptool(你也可以设置其他你希望使用的快捷键)。 界面上,Sniptool 与 Windows 10 自带的截图工具相似。常见的区域截图、窗口截图、套索截图这些功能两者都有提供,而 Sniptool 还提供了「open editor」(打开编辑器)的选项,可以方...
2. Picpick: Best as an All-in-One Design Tool Elevate your screenshots to a new level with PicPick, the power-packed snipping tool that goes beyond the basics. Capture, edit, and enhance screenshots effortlessly before saving them to your hard drive. With its intuitive features, PicPick em...
界面上,Sniptool 与 Windows 10 自带的截图工具相似。常见的区域截图、窗口截图、套索截图这些功能两者都有提供,而 Sniptool 还提供了「open editor」(打开编辑器)的选项,可以方便用户直接打开编辑器进行标注。 在截图的过程中,Sniptool 能够实现边缘的像素级的控制(需勾选放大镜选项)。
1. Does Windows 10 have a Snipping Tool? Yes, Windows 10 does have a snipping tool called Snip & Sketch. It allows you to take screenshots with simple clicks. However, this freeware cannot save your images as a JPG or GIF file. So if you have some advanced requirements, you can opt ...
11. It began as a simple fusion of the classic Snipping Tool and Snip & Sketch apps, but now, it's gained some big new features that make it more useful than ever. If you'd like to check out new features earlier than anyone else, keep an eye on all theWindows 11 features in ...
微软今天宣布为Windows 11的几个预装应用程序推出第一次更新,以下应用程序的更新正在向开发渠道的Windows Insiders推出。微软正在将经典的Snipping Tool和Snip & Sketch合并为一个截屏应用程序,而计算器、邮件和日历都将以新的视觉风格以配合Windows 11。你可以在下面详细了解这些新功能。
Sniptool 是一款免费软件,你可以从官网下载使用。 拓展阅读: Windows 上最好的免费截图标注工具:Snipaste 一个顶俩,功能全又轻量的 Windows 截图处理工具:ShareX 使用详解(Power+) 具透| Windows 10 五月更新来了,这 7 个变化值得关注 > 下载少数派客户端、关注少数派公众号,了解更多实用 Windows 技巧 📚...