This is an overview of everything you need to know about using the updated Snipping Tool in Windows 11. It began as a simple fusion of the classic Snipping Tool and Snip & Sketch apps, but now, it's gained some big new features that make it more useful than ever. If you'd like to...
The Snipping Tool in Windows 11 is also a big improvement over the previous version of the Snipping Tool, taking more inspiration from the Snip & Sketch app from Windows 10, and then modernizing it further for Windows 11. The UI in the new Snipping Tool mostly looks the same as Snip & ...
在 Windows 11 上,经典的 Snipping Tool 和 Snip & Sketch 应用程序现在称为 “Snipping Tool”, 整体功能保持不变。 使用键盘快捷键或使用 Windows 搜索打开新版 Snipping Tool。单击模式下拉菜单并选择所需的形状。屏幕变暗,您需要在要截屏的屏幕/应用程序/文档区域周围拖动一个框。完成后,松开鼠标按钮,剪辑将出...
在Windows 11中,经典的Snipping Tool和Snip & Sketch应用程序都被一个新的Snipping Tool应用程序所取代,它代表了这两个应用程序在Windows屏幕捕捉功能的下一次进化中的最佳体验。 Windows 11的Snipping Tool包括新的视觉效果,它建立在经典应用程序的基础上,增加了一些功能,如来自Snip & Sketch的WIN + SHIFT + S键盘...
Windows 11用户反馈无法打开Snipping Tool 其中一个问题就是截图工具(Snipping Tool),用户反馈该截图工具无法在 Windows 11 上启动,而且受影响范围似乎很广。 最新推出的 Windows 11 系统在引入大量改进之外,也为用户带来了一系列新的问题。其中一个问题就是截图工具(Snipping Tool),用户反馈该截图工具无法在 Windows ...
This snipping tool free download guide teaches you how to download Snipping Tool (Snip & Sketch) for Windows 10/11 and use it to capture screenshots on your PC.
首先,我们来看看Windows 11自带的两个截图工具:Snipping Tool(截图工具)和Snip & Sketch(截图与草图)。 Snipping Tool:这是Windows的经典截图工具,可以让用户在屏幕上自由选择要截图的区域。无论是矩形截图、任意形状截图,还是全屏截图,Snipping Tool都能轻松应对。它的操作非常简单,只需打开工具,选择截图模式,然后用...
Get the most out of your Windows 11 experience with the Snipping Tool. Explore ways the Snipping Tool can take a snapshot to copy words or images from all or part of your PC screen. Use the Snipping Tool to make changes or notes, then save, and share whe
界面上,Sniptool 与 Windows 10 自带的截图工具相似。常见的区域截图、窗口截图、套索截图这些功能两者都有提供,而 Sniptool 还提供了「open editor」(打开编辑器)的选项,可以方便用户直接打开编辑器进行标注。 在截图的过程中,Sniptool 能够实现边缘的像素级的控制(需勾选放大镜选项)。
These are the minimum system requirements for installing Windows 11 on a PC. If your device does not meet these requirements, you may not be able to install Windows 11 on your device and might want to consider purchasinga new PC. If you are unsure whether your PC meets these requirements,...