取得SystemMediaTransportControls 類別的實例,可讓使用者控制 MediaPlayer 的播放,並允許應用程式顯示目前在系統 UI 中播放內容的相關資訊。
private void PlaybackSession_PositionChanged(MediaPlaybackSession session, object sender) { // 处理播放进度改变的逻辑 } 上述代码使用 Windows.Media 命名空间中的 MediaPlayer 类和 MediaPlaybackSession 类来实现后台音频播放。在 PlayInBackground 方法中,它首先获取音频文件,然后创建一个 MediaPlayer 对象,并将...
MediaPlaybackCommandManager MediaPlaybackCommandManager 属性 AutoRepeatModeBehavior FastForwardBehavior IsEnabled MediaPlayer NextBehavior PauseBehavior PlayBehavior PositionBehavior PreviousBehavior RateBehavior RewindBehavior ShuffleBehavior 事件 MediaPlaybackCommandManagerAutoRepeatModeReceivedEventArgs ...
The Now Playing mode is a study in minimalism: It shows only the controls you need, so nothing comes between you and your music or video. A new taskbar thumbnail with playback controls makes previewing easier and more fun. Plays more media in more places Windows Media Player 12 has built-...
Organize your digital media collection, sync digital media files to a portable device, shop online for digital media content, and more—with Windows Media Player 12. Streamlined playback modes The Now Playing mode is a study in minimalism: It shows only the controls you need, so nothing comes...
Provides access to media playback functionality such as play, pause, fast-forward, rewind, and volume.
Windows.Media.DialProtocol Windows.Media.Editing Windows.Media.Effects Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis Windows.Media.Import Windows.Media.MediaProperties Windows.Media.Miracast Windows.Media.Ocr Windows.Media.Playback Windows.Media.Playback AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind BackgroundMediaPlayer CurrentMediaPlaybackItem...
media player控制 player.controls.play(); 播放 player.controls.stop(); 停止 player.controls.pause(); 暂停 player.controls.currentPosition 返回播放文件的当前时间位置(以秒为单位) player.controls.currentPositionString 时间格式的字符串 "0:32" player.currentMedia.duration 返回播放文件的总长度(以秒为单位...
Windows Media Player控件的所有属性和方法---1 player.GetPlayState() 返回播放器状态(0:停止,1:连接,2:缓冲,3:播放,4:暂停,5:寻找) 网页中嵌入MediaPlayer时,各种属性与方法设置 播放: MediaPlayer.Play() 暂停: MediaPlayer.Pause() 定位: MediaPlayer.SetCurrentEntry(lWhichEntry) MediaPlayer.Next() ...
MediaPlaybackCommandManager Specifies the behavior of and receives events from the System Media Transport Controls. Use this class to customize the interaction between aMediaPlayerand the System Media Transport Controls. MediaPlaybackCommandManagerAutoRepeatModeReceivedEventArgs ...