The Windows Media Player controls use an appropriate DirectShow filter graph to parse, decode, and render the media stream. The Windows Media Player controls are implemented through the DirectShow Filter Graph Manager (FGM).The Windows Media Player control exposes a variety of methods, properties, ...
When several programs with embedded, remoted Windows Media Player controls run simultaneously, all of the controls share the same playback engine. They also share the same instance of the full mode of the Player in the undocked state. In the docked state, however, only one control can displa...
player.controls.stop(); 停止 player.controls.pause(); 暂停 player.controls.currentPosition 返回播放文件的当前时间位置(以秒为单位) player.controls.currentPositionString 时间格式的字符串 "0:32" player.currentMedia.duration 返回播放文件的总长度(以秒为单位) player.currentMedia.durationString 时间格式的字...
media player控制; 播放 player.controls.stop(); 停止 player.controls.pause(); 暂停 player.controls.currentPosition 返回播放文件的当前时间位置(以秒为单位) player.controls.currentPositionString 时间格式的字符串 "0:32" player.currentMedia.duration 返回播放文件的总长度(以秒为单位...
Because of a naming conflict between the Windows Media Player Controls property and the Controls property exposed by every control, the Player version of this property is called CtlControls in the context of the ActiveX control. (However, this is not the case when you create the Player programmat...
controls.fastReverse; 快退; 下一曲 controls.previous; 上一曲 [settings] wmp.settings //播放器基本设置 settings.volume:integer; 音量,0-100 settings.autoStart:Boolean; 是否自动播放 settings.mute:Boolean; 是否静音 settings.playCount:integer; 播放次数 [currentMedia] wmp.currentMedia //...;下一曲 controls.previous;上一曲 [settings] wmp.settings播放器基本设置 settings.volume:integer;音量,0-100 settings.autoStart:Boolean;是否自动播放 settings.mute:Boolean;是否静音 settings.playCount:integer;播放次数 [currentMedia] wmp.currentMedia当前媒体属性 ...
controls->dynamicCall("stop()"); //调用成员函数 Windows Media Player ActiveX 常用的属性和方法 我们并不知道wmp有那些参数和成员函数,对此,Qt提供了dumpdoc命令来自动生成对应CLSID控件的说明文档: 打开编译器命令行,输入指令:dumpdoc {xxxx} -o xxx.html ...
获取SystemMediaTransportControls 类的一个实例,以便用户能够控制 MediaPlayer 的播放并允许应用显示有关系统 UI 中当前正在播放的内容的信息。 C# 复制 public SystemMediaTransportControls SystemMediaTransportControls { get; } 属性值 SystemMediaTransportControls SystemMediaTransportControls 类的实例。 适用于 产品...
Listed below are the methods, properties, and events in the Windows Media Player and ActiveMovie controls that are not currently supported in Windows Mobile. Attempting to access these items will not cause an error. Unsupported items are treated as described in Handling of Unsupported Items....