针对您提出的“windows bash: make: command not found”问题,我将按照提供的tips逐一解答: 1. 确认用户环境是否已安装make工具 在Windows环境下,特别是当您在使用Bash(如Git Bash或Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL)时,需要确认是否已安装make工具。默认情况下,Windows系统本身不自带make,但如果您已经安装了某些开...
重新运行安装程序, 在搜索栏目之中输入make搜索.
所在位置 行:1字符:1+make+~~~+CategoryInfo:ObjectNotFound:(make:String)[],CommandNotFoundException+FullyQualifiedErrorId:CommandNotFoundException 错误原因: 未安装make for windows; 未正确配置环境变量; 安装make for windows 下载路径:Make for windows CSDN传送门:Make-3.81.zip 选择Complete package, excep...
1, 在 cygwin 下创建用户(及用户组) bin, 然后再 make install。 至于如何在 cygwin 下创建用户就自己上网搜吧,不过挺麻烦的,要现在 windows 下创建,然后再运行 mkpasswd等等 2, 修改 makefile, 在你的这个软件目录下找一个叫 makefile 或者 Makefile 或 MAKEFILE 之类的东西,你应该能够...
This my 1st time trying to compile a project. I'm following building instructions of MSYS2 Method Building-on-Windows but I'm facing this error. Cmake command is not found $ cmake .. -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DUSE_SDL2_LIBS=1 bash: cmake: com...
autogen.sh cmake command not found /bin/sh cmake command not found ‘cmake’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file command ‘cmake’ not found bash: /snap/bin/cmake: No such file or directory ...
Attaching third monitor - always make clone of second - how? attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s > path not found Audit process tracking. issue with Event ID: 4703 auto login once remote desktop session ends auto logon to roaming profile: computer is too fast , i get an error that the pr...
MakeBootEntry: Windows Boot Manager not found. MakeBootEntry: Windows Boot Manager not found. What happens? Installation fails with the reason "Windows Boot Manager not found." Now what's weird is that reading the HackBGRT log, I don't see any mention of my Windows installation on the ...
通过make启动它不起作用。我得到了 代码语言:javascript 复制 make[2]: C:/Users/dominikschneider/Miniconda3/envs/plantcv/Scripts/LT.exe: Command not found 我尝试使用cmd /c附加LT.exe,在make文件中设置SHELL=CMD,并将其指定为LT.exe的绝对路径 我认为这与windows处理可执行文件的方式有关(?!)但任何帮助...
Type the following command and press Enter: active You should get a confirmation that the volume has been successfully set as active. If you don’t get the confirmation, it means that either the disk is set to GPT (not MBR), or there is a problem with the ...