为了针对低延迟场景,AudioGraph 提供AudioGraphSettings::QuantumSizeSelectionMode属性。 此属性可以是下表中显示的任何值: 展开表 值描述 SystemDefault将缓冲区设置为默认缓冲区大小(约 10 毫秒) LowestLatency将缓冲区设置为驱动程序支持的最小值 ClosestToDesired将缓冲区大小设置为等于 DesiredSamplesPerQuantum 属性定义...
1. Low latency audioAudio latency is the delay between that time that sound is created and when it is heard. Having low audio latency is very important for several key scenarios, such as the following.Pro Audio Music Creation Communications Virtual Reality Games...
实验性功能 最后,开发者还为专业用户提供了一个名叫「低音量延迟」(Low audio latency)的实验性功能,开发者表示,这是为使用 Premiere Pro 或者 Audition 等专业软件的用户准备的功能,持续打开会导致电量消耗加快。而据用户反馈,开启该功能后会导致麦克风失效,因此普通用户还是尽量将该功能关闭为好。总结 想在 ...
Low latency audio library for Windows 10, targeted at Unity UWP and desktop apps. NowSound is a wrapper library around the JUCE audio library. It exposes a P/Invoke C-style API, such that it can be invoked by Unity apps (on either the .NET or Mono runtimes). Status as of August 201...
/*设置低延时播放模式,默认是正常播放模式mode: 1为低延时模式, 0为正常模式,其他只无效接口调用成功返回NT_ERC_OK*/NT_UINT32(NT_API*SetLowLatencyMode)(NT_HANDLEhandle,NT_INT32mode); 11. 视频view旋转、水平|垂直翻转 接口主要用于,比如原始的视频倒置等场景下,设备端无法调整时,通过播放端完成图像的正...
Low latency. Since SAR is synchronous with the hardware audio interface and uses WaveRT to transport audio to/from applications, it doesn't impact your DAW's latency. It's practical to use 1-2ms buffer sizes on a cheap USB 2.0 interface. ...
Demonstrates how to implement the basic media transport controls in order to properly support background audio playback. Playback of audio using the Windows Audio Session APIs. Capture of PCM audio using the Windows Audio Session APIs. Low latency audio playback and capture.For...
二、Windows 平台不是不可以做音乐,但你只有投资买诸如 RME 这种级别的音讯介面才可以得到你所需要的准确回放效果:RME 是自己写驱动负责全部回放处理流程的、甚至在 macOS 系统下完全不受 CoreAudio 系统更新的影响,且 RME 自己亲自动手针对各种 USB 处理晶片类型做回放效果优化。如果你是在用黑苹果的话,CoreAudio ...
*/NT_UINT32(NT_API* SetLowLatencyMode)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_INT32 mode); 11. 视频view旋转、水平|垂直翻转 接口主要用于,比如原始的视频倒置等场景下,设备端无法调整时,通过播放端完成图像的正常角度播放。 /* *上下反转(垂直反转) *is_flip: 1:表示反转, 0:表示不反转 ...
Who this post isn’t for:if you’re using an external audio interface with a desktop, you likely already have lovely low latency from ASIO drivers (although you might have to tweak their settings to get it) and don’t need to ever deal with WASAPI drivers. On the other hand, if your...