低延迟模式下,设置buffer time为0,延迟更低,适用于比如需要操控控制的超低延迟场景下。 /*设置低延时播放模式,默认是正常播放模式mode: 1为低延时模式, 0为正常模式,其他只无效接口调用成功返回NT_ERC_OK*/NT_UINT32(NT_API*SetLowLatencyMode)(NT_HANDLEhandle,NT_INT32mode); 11. 视频view旋转、水平|垂直...
Setting the audio client properties – note that low latency offload is not supported AudioClientProperties audioProps = {0}; audioProps.cbSize = sizeof( AudioClientProperties ); audioProps.eCategory = AudioCategory_Media; // if the device has System.Devices.AudioDevice.RawProcessingSupported set...
1. Low latency audioAudio latency is the delay between that time that sound is created and when it is heard. Having low audio latency is very important for several key scenarios, such as the following.Pro Audio Music Creation Communications Virtual Reality Games...
mode: 1为低延时模式, 0为正常模式,其他只无效 接口调用成功返回NT_ERC_OK */NT_UINT32(NT_API* SetLowLatencyMode)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_INT32 mode); 11. 视频view旋转、水平|垂直翻转 接口主要用于,比如原始的视频倒置等场景下,设备端无法调整时,通过播放端完成图像的正常角度播放。 /* *上下反转(垂...
High power consumption (we need to wake up the CPU every 10ms to write data into the audio buffer) In general, we want to use this buffer for anything that requires low latency, such as VOIP calls, alerts, sound effects, etc. The 1 second buffer leads to: High l...
Low-latency, glitch-resilient audio streaming. Improved reliability (many audio functions have moved from kernel-mode to user-mode). Improved security (processing of protected audio content takes place in a secure, lower-privilege process).
Pops, clicks, humming and distorted sounds when you record or playback audio. A delay between playing your instrument, speaking or singing into a microphone, and hearing the sound from your speakers and headphones — known as latency.
3.The system shall sustain four concurrent hardware H.264 decoding/encoding pairs in low latency mode in a glitch free manner for 1 hour with dynamic codec configuration changes every 5-20 sec. The codec configuration changes include:a.media type changes (resolution, profile, frame rate, sample...
Who this post isn’t for:if you’re using an external audio interface with a desktop, you likely already have lovely low latency from ASIO drivers (although you might have to tweak their settings to get it) and don’t need to ever deal with WASAPI drivers. On the other hand, if your...