right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recreate the service.一、先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows i...
InstallUtil doesn’t complain during install so whats the problem.. ?? Simple & obvious when you know why – in VS2010 when you add your serviceInstaller and your serviceProcessInstaller theparentproperty doesn’t get set automatically like in previous versions of VS. To F...
1642: The upgrade cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct u...
The upgrade cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your compu...
Windows Installer 快取位於資料夾: %windir%\installer。使用Windows Installer 安裝產品時,原始.msi檔案的移除版本會儲存在 Windows Installer 快取中。 產品的每個更新,例如 Hotfix、累積更新或 Service Pack 安裝程式,也會將相關的 .msp 或.msi檔案儲存在 Windows Installer 快取中。
一、所有使用installer安装的程序,均不能正常安装,提示:“不能访问windows installer 服务。可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装。请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助” 二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的...
方法:1、重新注册windows installer 重启到安全模式下,开始,运行,输入msiexec /unregister ::确定 开始,运行,输入msiexec /regserver ::确定 重启到正常模式 2、如果上述不能解决,可以选择重装windows installer。重装前,在安全模式下,分别删除%windir%\system32和%windir%\system32\Dllcache两个文件...
一、所有使用installer安装的程序,均不能正常安装,提示:“不能访问windows installer 服务。可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装。请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助” 二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的...
installerwindowsservicesolution访问installation 不能访问windowsinstaller服务的解决(Cannotaccessthe solutionoftheWindowsInstallerservice) CannotaccessthewindowsInstallerservicesolution- [troubleshooting] CannotaccesstheWindowsInstallerservice Q:mysystemisWindowsXP,todayintheinstallationofa software,thesystemprompts"cannotacce...
Windows Installer 缓存位于文件夹中: %windir%\installer。使用Windows Installer 安装产品时,原始.msi文件的剥离版本存储在 Windows Installer 缓存中。 产品的每个更新(例如修补程序、累积更新或 Service Pack 设置)也会将相关的 .msp 或.msi文件存储在 Windows Installer 缓存中。