The cached patch file "C:\Windows\Installer\xxxxxxx.msp" is missing. The original file for this cached file is "xxx_xxxx_xxxxxx.msp", which can be installed from "Hotfix xxxxx for SQL Server 20xx (KBxxxxxx) (64-bit)", 如果您檢查Detail.txt設定記錄檔,您可能會發現類似下...
The cached patch file "C:\Windows\Installer\xxxxxxx.msp" is missing. The original file for this cached file is "xxx_xxxx_xxxxxx.msp", which can be installed from "Hotfix xxxxx for SQL Server 20xx (KBxxxxxx) (64-bit)", 如果检查Detail.txt设置日志,可能会找到如下消息: ...
Microsoft Windows Installer is either wrong version or is missing from PC where product is being installed 热度: Windows安装故障排除机制 热度: WindowsInstaller故障处理 (1)问:我如何才能找出程序包安装失败的原因? 答:有三种比较好的方法可以对程序包的安装问题进行跟踪。第一种方法是通过运行校 ...
1.如果是Winxp的话.方法:1、重新注册windows installer 重启到安全模式下,开始,运行,输入msiexec /unregister ::确定 开始,运行,输入msiexec /regserver ::确定 重启到正常模式 2、如果上述不能解决,可以选择重装windows installer。重装前,在安全模式下,分别删除%windir%\system32和%windir%\system...
right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recreate the service.一、先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows i...
不能访问 Windows Installer 服务。 错误消息 2 无法启动 Windows Installer 服务。 错误消息 3 无法在本地计算机上启动 Windows Installer 服务。 Error 5: Access is denied. 解决方案 若要自动修复此问题,请运行“修复程序无法安装或卸载的问题”疑难解答,以修复由于注册表项损坏而阻止程序安装或删除的问题。
二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的服务已标记为删除” 三、如果试图重新安装InstMsiW.exe,提示:“指定的服务已存在” resolution: The MSI Installer can be a real pain. It may be that one of the files required by it is co...
there is a problem with this windows installer package.a program required for this install to complete could not be your support personnel or package vendor...windows资源包出现了问题,.卸载出现的问题.等会上图.看图.找不到安装目录了. 答案 介绍一个卸载软件Your Uninstaller,用它卸载试试...
先下载安装windows installer ,你电脑里的这东西估计是被什么优化大师之类的删掉了 微软Windows Installer作为Win2K/WinXP/WinVista的组件之一,是专门用来管理和配置软件服务的工具。