1639 无效的命令行参数。有关详细的命令行帮助,请查阅 Windows Installer 的 SDK。 1640 在终端服务远程会话期间,只有管理员有添加、删除或配置服务器软件的权限。如果你想在服务器上安装或配置软件,请与网络管理员联系。 1641 要求的操作已成功结束。要使更改生效,必须重新启动系统。 1642 Windows Installer 服务无法...
在Windows 平台上使用响应文件执行安装和卸载期间,可能会遇到错误代码值。 表1. 响应文件安装期间的主要错误代码 错误代码值描述 0操作成功完成。 1操作返回一条警告。 1603发生致命错误。 3010安装或卸载成功,但是需要进行重新引导才能完成安装或卸载过程。这不包括运行强制重新引导操作的安装。Windows Installer V1.0 ...
1637-Windows Installer 服务无法处理这个更新程序包。您必须安装含有 Windows Installer 服务更新版本的 Windows Service Pack。1638-已安装这个产品的另一个版本。这个版本的安装无法继续。要配置或删除这个产品的现有版本,请用“控制面板”上的“添加/删除程序”。1639-无效的命令行参数。有关详细的命令行帮助,请查阅...
Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package. 1637 This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service. 1638 Another versio...
ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE1639Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command-line help. ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED1640The current user is not permitted to perform installations from a client session of a server running the Terminal Server role service. ...
1639Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help1640Installation from a Terminal Server client session not permitted for current user1641The installer has started a reboot. This error code not available on Windows Installer version 1.0...
Error: 1639 invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows installer SDK for detailed commandline help. BTW: I have had a computer since 1982 – RadioShack Color Computer loaded with 16KB ram and no hd. I had to use a RadioShack tape recorder to save my basic ASCII programming...
Error: 1639 invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows installer SDK for detailed commandline help. BTW: I have had a computer since 1982 – RadioShack Color Computer loaded with 16KB ram and no hd. I had to use a RadioShack tape recorder to save my basic ASCII programming. I'...
skip unstable installer tests to unblock master CI pipeline (#6544) (5648e05) Stub CircleCI config since we can't disable it from dashboard (#6543) (22fb8c6) Update certificate validation on Windows to check full DN (#6576) (53467c7) use junction in windows to solve Error: EPERM: oper...
Community Beginner , /t5/download-install-discussions/adobe-xd-installation-error-191-windows/m-p/10432672#M81639 Apr 08, 2019 Apr 08, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Jeffrey_A_Wright The OP is not the only one having this issue - shall all ...