在解决Windows Hello PIN设置问题之前,我们需要先了解可能的原因。通常情况下,Windows Hello PIN不可用可能与系统配置、权限设置或注册表项有关。特别是当系统以Administrator账户登录,或者系统版本为家庭版时,更容易出现此类问题。二、解决方法详解 针对非家庭版系统 启用用户账户控制 首先,按下Win + R组合键,打开...
To fix This PIN is not working for your organization’s resources Windows Hello error on your Windows 11/10 computer, follow one of these methods: Delete Ngc folder using File Explorer Delete Ngc folder through Command Prompt 1] Delete Ngc folder using File Explorer If you have an administrato...
windows hello pin is not working.: it says this option is currently unavailable something went wrong try again later. There is also no password option, and the "require windows hello sign in for microsoft accounts" part where you turn it on and off is grayed off, i cant turn it off or...
你的账户要求必须使用windowshellopin点不动了怎 你的账户要求必须使用windowshellopin点不动了解决办法:1、在任务栏搜索框中输入服务,差昌在搜索结果中打开服务。2、win10服务中找到IPsecPolicyAgent,圆庆郑双击打开其属性。3、将该服务橘颂启动类型设置为自动,点击确
最后有用户反馈Win10 1909系统在设置Windows Hello时出现此选项当前不可用!该设备不符合你组织关于Windows Hello的要求。的问题,不管是人脸、指纹还是pin码都不可以使用,那么如何解决呢?下面小编分享下具体原因。 原因一:驱动问题 可能是驱动不兼容导致的指纹识别,人脸识别等原因导致的不可用。
To fix the Windows 10 PIN not working issue,it’s advised to empty the Ngc folder as instructed in our solution below. You might also be able to fix the Windows Hello PIN not workingproblem by recreating the PIN. Signing in with another option is a perfect solution for this annoying prob...
Also, find out how toinstall the Hello face driver. Besides, check what to do ifWindows Hello PIN is not working in Windows 11. In the comment section below, let us know which of these fixes worked for you. More about the topics:Windows 11...
hello PIN?简介 怎么设置windows hello PIN?一起看看吧。工具/原料 联想R9000 windows10 方法/步骤 1 1、我们在电脑中打开windows设置,点击系统进入。2 2、进入后,点击在windows安全中心查看详细信息。3 3、接着我们在账户保护中,点击查看你的账户。4 4、最后我们在登录选项中点击windows hello PIN即可。
windows hello pin is not working.: it says this option is currently unavailable something went wrong try again later. There is also no password option, and the "require windows hello sign in for microsoft accounts" part where you turn it on and off is grayed off, i cant turn it off or...