您可以使用 [設定] 應用程式來變更您的 PIN 碼。 在Windows 裝置上的 [設定] 應用程式中,選取 [帳戶>登入選項或使用下列快捷鍵: 登入選項 選取[PIN] (Windows Hello)>[變更 PIN],然後依照指示進行。 您必須輸入舊的 PIN 碼,才能變更為新的 PIN 碼 ...
Windows Hello 無法辨識我的身分,或是我在嘗試登入時收到錯誤訊息 如果無法正確掃描您的臉部或指紋,或者如果您使用錯誤的指紋登入,當您嘗試透過 Windows Hello 登入就會看到錯誤訊息。 如果發生這種情況,請改用 PIN 或密碼登入,然後再次設定Windows Hello。 如果您在嘗試登入 Windows Hello 時收到以下其中一個錯誤訊息...
設定Windows Hello Applies To Windows 11Windows 10 Windows Hello 是登入 Windows 裝置時更加個人化且安全的方式。 您可以使用臉部辨識、指紋或 PIN 登入,而不是使用密碼 Windows Hello。 這些選項可協助您更輕鬆且更安全地登入計算機,因為 PIN 只與一部裝置相關聯,且已使用您的Microsoft帳戶備份以進行復原。
" ※ This ISSUE CASE occurs on Windows hello PINs whose transports value is "internal". All I want is that this kind of TEST CASE does not generate a Windows hello PIN input screen. For example, instead of providing a Windows Hello PIN input UI window during FIDO2 authentication, ...
Click [PIN (Windows Hello)]⑦ to expand more options, then click [Remove]⑧. Click [Remove]⑨ again to confirm the removal of your PIN. Enter your account password to verify your identity⑩, and then click [OK]⑪ to remove the PIN. After the PIN is removed, you can create a...
0x801C03F2 Windows Hello key registration failed. ERROR_BAD_DIRECTORY_REQUEST. Another object with the same value for property proxyAddresses already exists. To resolve the issue, refer to Duplicate Attributes Prevent Dirsync. Also, if no sync conflict exists, please verify that the "...
Click [PIN (Windows Hello)]⑦ to expand more options, then click [Remove]⑧. Click [Remove]⑨ again to confirm the removal of your PIN. Enter your account password to verify your identity⑩, and then click [OK]⑪ to remove the PIN. After the PIN is removed, you can create a new...
Click [PIN (Windows Hello)]⑦ to expand more options, then click [Remove]⑧. Click [Remove]⑨ again to confirm the removal of your PIN. Enter your account password to verify your identity⑩, and then click [OK]⑪ to remove the PIN. After the PIN is removed, you can create a new...
pin. I never used Windows Hello before so it didn't even make sense. I followed the steps to reset it until I had ANOTHER issue. Since this is my sisters laptop I can't go into sign-in option to reset the PIN since she used her account to set up this laptop, so it showed all...
Click [PIN (Windows Hello)]⑦ to expand more options, then click [Remove]⑧. Click [Remove]⑨ again to confirm the removal of your PIN. Enter your account password to verify your identity⑩, and then click [OK]⑪ to remove the PIN. After the PIN is removed, you can create a new...