<EventID>36887</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0<...
Event ID: 36887 Source: Schannel Fatal Alert: 70 Windows Server 2008 R2. I did updated the TLS to 1.2 as advised: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ph/help/3140245/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-default-secure-protocols-in-wiAfter the update, the event ID still occurs,...
Event ID 1074 : WLMS.exe Event ID 1108 Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing on Windows Server 2012 R2 Event ID 139 error MUP Event ID 1539, disable write cache suggested when using controller w/ battery or flash? Event ID 26 - Application Pop up Event ID 27 While processing a TGS request ...
Last image is the failed test connection from external Mimecast to internal DC using LDAP and SSL: What I ultimately see is after the initial handshake it leads to a TLS Rec Layer-1 Encryption Alert. But not sure what that really means and how to fix it. Gre...
首先想到的当然是 shutdown 指令, 但是它有一个致命缺陷: 无法实现定时休眠,也就达不到命令,想到...
computer. Every certificate that is trusted for client authentication purposes is added to the list. If the size of this list exceeds 16 KB, Schannel logs Warning event ID 36855. Then, Schannel truncates the list of trusted root certificates and sends this truncated list ...
Event ID 9 Event ID: 11 The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 Event ID: 12294 - for administrator account Event ID: 14550, DFS Error ocurrs every one hour Event ID: 32disable write caching on the disk Event ID: 36887 Source: Schannel, Error: The following fa...
事件ID:{ENET.ID} 确认操作: 默认标题:已确认: {TRIGGER.NAME} 消息内容: {USER.FULLNAME} 已经确认的问题 {ACK.DATE} {ACK.TIME} 以下消息: {ACK.MESSAGE} 目前的问题状态是{EVENT.STATUS} 最后配置报警媒介,也就是触发报警条件,要下发邮件通知道哪个邮箱里面 ...
事件ID:{ENET.ID} 恢复操作: 默认标题:恢复{TRIGGER.STATUS}, 服务器:{HOSTNAME1}: {TRIGGER.NAME}已恢复! 消息内容: 告警主机:{HOSTNAME1} 告警时间:{EVENT.DATE}{EVENT.TIME} 告警等级:{TRIGGER.NAME} 告警项目:{TRIGGER.KEY1} 问题详情:{ITEM.NAME}:{ITEM.VALUE} ...
<EventID>36887</EventID> <Version>0</Version> <Level>2</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Opcode>0<...