{Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[Application,,,"MSExchangeTransport",^15004$,,skip].nodata(60)}=0 触发器: 出现系统错误日记 {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip].logeventid(36882)}<>0 and {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip...
{Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[Application,,,"MSExchangeTransport",^15004$,,skip].nodata(60)}=0 触发器: 出现系统错误日记 {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip].logeventid(36882)}<>0 and {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip...
Comware V7安全设备在开启ssl server-policy相关服务时,需要引⽤PKI的证书服务。通常我们使⽤Windows Server 2016进⾏搭建⾃签名证书服务器。Windows Server 2016操作系统安装可参考知了案例 配置步骤 1,打开服务器管理器,点击【添加⾓⾊和功能】。2,以下步骤缺省点击【下⼀步】。3,服务器⾓⾊需要勾...
none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate." and a different event ID: 36882 More than 20 days later, the current error ID 36871 logged a single entry once and didn't show up agai...
The attached data contains the server certificate." and a different event ID: 36882 More than 20 days later, the current error ID 36871 logged a single entry once and didn't show up again until a couple of days ago. Over the past two days it has been logging too many times (typically...
{Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[Application,,,"MSExchangeTransport",^15004$,,skip].nodata(60)}=0 触发器: 出现系统错误日记 {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip].logeventid(36882)}<>0 and {Template Windows Event Log:eventlog[System,,"Error",,[^],,skip...
none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate." and a different event ID: 36882 More than 20 days later, the current error ID 36871 logged a single entry once and didn't show up agai...
none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate." and a different event ID: 36882 More than 20 days later, the current error ID 36871 logged a single entry once and didn't show up agai...
The attached data contains the server certificate." and a different event ID: 36882 More than 20 days later, the current error ID 36871 logged a single entry once and didn't show up again until a couple of days ago. Over the past two days it has been logging too many times (t...