1、Please try the suggested steps below and let me know if it resolved your issue :- https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-Windows-error-12029-Message-A-connection-with-the-server-could-not-be-established?language=en_US 如果上述操作无法解决问题,按以下步骤2继续操作 2、Let's...
就是我用endnote x6连接pubmed在线检索时,出现了windows error :12029.message:"无法与服务器建立连接...
Message hook— using theSDL_SetWindowsMessageHookfunction, to be able to control the window size/position when resizing the window using the mouse. Event watcher— using theSDL_AddEventWatchfunction, to be able to re-render the game window during resizing the window with the mouse....