beginsenddata error code:12029的解答 1. 错误代码12029的含义 错误代码12029,在Windows网络编程中,特别是使用WinInet或WinHTTP API时,通常表示“无法与服务器建立连接”。这是一个连接错误,意味着客户端尝试与服务器建立通信时失败了。 2. 可能导致该错误的原因 网络问题:客户端设备可能无法访问网络,或者网络不稳定...
网上解决方法1: 今天在调试Loadrunner HTTP/HTML脚本的时候出现报错Error -27492,通过将HTTPS请求修改为HTTP请求,问题得到解决。 Action.c(206): Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12029 (cannot connect) and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL="https://host/xxxx/getCashierJson.htm?
Error "12029" is a WinHTTP error code that indicates that a socket connection failed because encrypted communication couldn't be established. Resolution To resolve this problem, enable TLS 1.2 support on Windows 7. To do so, follow the guidance in the following Knowledge Base article,...
可能是以下原因 1. 你的客户端有问题,不是版本问题,是损坏,比如中了病毒被杀毒软件删除,最好的例子就是不久前 的瑞星误报彩虹岛病毒事件,试试重新安装客户端;2. 网络问题,可能连接超时,你的客户端无法连接到游戏的更新服务器,要多次尝试,并且确保网络通畅,最好把QQ什么都关了,我也碰到过...
1。游戏下载不完整,卸载重装!(原创,作者:力王历史)2。电脑有木马或病毒干扰或者游戏带木马,杀毒软件,全盘扫描!3。检查是否冲突了杀毒软件或者冲突了播放器,卸载杀毒或播放器,安装试 试!4。检查是否安装了其他游戏,卸载,不兼容!5。试试:360系统急救箱,查杀顽固木马!“文件恢复区”,彻底...
and dealing with them might seem to be a tedious task. QuickBooks error code 12029 is one suchupdate error. It is basically a network time-out error, which means the accounting software is not able to get an IP address, and the servers are connected through a weak connection. This error...
Hi there, this is my first post here, so greetings to all. Since a few days, out of the blue, I'm getting a HttpSendRequest error 12029 when installing a package. That's from Windows 10 cmd. The URL works in the browser though. I did not...
不想看罗说的直接去下面看我的解决方法。 网上解决方法1: 今天在调试Loadrunner HTTP/HTML脚本的时候出现报错Error -27492,通过将HTTPS请求修改为HTTP请求,问题得到解决。 Action.c(206): Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12029 (cannot connect) and retry limit (0) exceeded for UR...
今天在调试Loadrunner HTTP/HTML脚本的时候出现报错Error -27492,通过将HTTPS请求修改为HTTP请求,问题得到解决。 Action.c(206): Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12029 (cannot connect) and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL="https://host/xxxx/getCashierJson.htm?payOrderId=1512...
Thanks in advance. All replies (1) Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:48 PM ✅Answered Error 12029 A connection to server could not be established Usually a firewall or routing issue, but could be that the web application is down. You will need to troubleshoot to determine which....