在檔案總管(在 Windows 7 及舊版 Windows中稱為 Windows 檔案總管)中未發現您的 CD 或 DVD 光碟,並且在裝置管理員中為該裝置標示黃色驚嘆號。 此外,在您開啟裝置的屬性對話方塊後,裝置狀態區域中會列出以下錯誤之一: Windows 無法啟動這個硬體裝置,因為它的設定資訊 (在登錄中) 不完整或已損毀...
文件资源管理器中未显示 CD 或 DVD 驱动器(在 Windows 7 和旧版 Windows 中称为 Windows 资源管理器),并且设备在设备管理器中标有黄色感叹号。 此外,在打开设备的“属性”对话框后 , “设备状态”区域中会列出下列错误 之一: 由于其配置信息(注册表中的)不完整或已损坏...
This is the basic method to get rid of the problem of CD-Drive not working. With a few simple steps to follow, users can have their DVD and CD-ROM recognized by the system. Here are the steps:Tap the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. You are then required to type ‘...
如果您執行 Windows Vista、Windows 7 或 Windows Server 2008 R2 的全新安裝,Setupact.log檔案位於Drive:$WINDOWS\Sources\Panther 資料夾。磁碟驅動器代表包含 Windows 安裝程式檔案的 DVD 磁碟驅動器。 若要確認分割區為使用中,請遵循下列步驟: 將DVD 插入 DVD 磁碟驅動器。
Most of the drivers are not working like Bluetooth, location, cd driver, etc. Reply Was this reply helpful? Yes No Paul_Tikkanen 171,945 42,271 27,654 Level 22 11-08-2024 09:08 AM You can install the W8.1 card reader driver on ...
Most of the drivers are not working like Bluetooth, location, cd driver, etc. Reply Was this reply helpful? Yes No Paul_Tikkanen 171,153 42,069 27,506 Level 22 11-08-2024 09:08 AM You can install the W8.1 card reader driver on ...
When you try to burn or read a disc, nothing happens or an error stating that the drive cannot be found displays in the CD/DVD burning software. There are several ways to attempt to resolve this issue. If a window does not open when discs are inserted into the drive and the drive ...
When you try to burn or read a disc, nothing happens or an error stating that the drive cannot be found displays in the CD/DVD burning software. There are several ways to attempt to resolve this issue. If a window does not open when discs are inserted into the drive and the drive ...
Install-WindowsFeaturenameNET-Framework-Core source <drive>:\sources\sxs 在此命令中,<drive> 是 DVD 光碟機或 Windows 安裝媒體的磁碟機代號預留位置。 例如,您可以執行下列命令: PowerShell Install-WindowsFeaturenameNET-Framework-Core source D:\sources\sxs ...