The CD drive or DVD drive on your computer no longer works as expected when the computer restarts after you complete one of the following actions: You upgrade a computer to Windows Vista. You install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (...
If yourWindows 11/10can’t findDVDorCDdrive or if your CD or DVD drive is not detected, showing, reading or working, or will not read or write media on your Windows 11/10/8/7 PC, then follow this post to troubleshoot the issue. Why is my computer not detecting my CD DVD drive?
The CD drive or DVD drive on your computer no longer works as expected when the computer restarts after you complete one of the following actions: You upgrade a computer to Windows Vista. You install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (...
Hi, I've had this problem for a while now. In Win7, when looking at "Computer" (i.e. list of drives) my drive is listed as - 255824
✅ DVD drive and HDD rack not working, detected both as "unknown device":Hello, I am facing issues with my ASUS DVD ROM drive DRW-1608P2S and a ViPower SuperRack. I have plugged both in using 2 IDE to SATA adapters. They...
You can also try uninstalling the device here, and then restarting your computer to allow Windows to reinstall the driver automatically. Check Region Settings: If your drive is set to a different DVD region than your discs, it might not recognize them. You can check and change this in the ...
If this doesn’t resolve the error, you can move on to the next solution. Part 3: Using the Microsoft Fix it Center: The next solution to help us encounter the problem of CD-Drive not working is to use theCD/DVD ‘Fix it’ Troubleshooter. To enable the troubleshooter, all one has ...
Reboot the computer to reinstall the CD-ROM drive.Note If the CD-ROM drive is not in the Device Manager, the drive's cables may not be connected properly. It's also possible that the drive is bad and needs to be replaced.For additional information on Device Manager, see our Device ...
✅ dvdrom drive stopped working on windows7 system:dvdrom drive stopped working on windows7 system, dvd is not coming up as a drive but does register on device manager but comes up with device status as...
I also have an external hard drive that worked yesterday stop working last night on me. Not sure if this is related. BTW I tried restoring to a point 2 weeks or so ago and nothing improved on either of these two issues. My Computer Quote whest...