一、问题出现 windows安装步骤 安装好了,但是执行docker命令出现找不到命令: bash: docker.exe: command not found 后来想了下,可能是因为安装在D盘,找不到路径的原因,这和当年学Java安装环境类似,必须修改环境变量才可以。 二、修改环境变量 我的docker是在D盘安装的,路径为:D:\software\Docker Toolbox,我们必须...
出现这样的错误,是因为Shell脚本在Windows系统编写时,每行结尾是\r\n,而在Linux系统中行每行结尾是\n,所以在Linux系统中运行脚本时,会认为\r是一个字符,导致运行错误。 解决办法: 通过Notepad++打开sh文件,显示所有的字符 可以看到每行结尾都是CR LF CR 就是 \r , LF 是 \n 怎么去掉 \r 呢?按下面的操...
When it comes to "Starting up validating peers" step, I followed and enteredip addinto the terminal, but it returnsbash: ip: command not found. Any solution? I've triedifconfigas well and it's the same issue, command not found. Using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 Home Unfortunately, yo...
打开命令提示符,方法是按下Win + R键,输入cmd并回车。 在命令提示符中,运行以下命令:docker --version。 如果返回类似于“docker: command not found”的错误消息,则说明Docker已成功卸载。 类图 以下是描述本文所使用的类的类图: UsesTeachesUsesDeveloper+name: String+experience: Integer+teachHowToUninstallDocke...
Bash: docker: command not found Docker Desktop for Windows docker rimelek (Ákos Takács) September 15, 2023, 7:02pm 9 wbguru: Where exactly are the “Dockerfile” images saved on the disk? The “Dockerfile” is not an image, but the file itself is anywhere you put it. If ...
hi. I’m doing Docker training and trying to build a new image: created “Docker” folder and then “Dockerfile” in VS code web. In “Dockerfile”: FROM nginx:latest CMD echo “Hello World!” And then, in VS code terminal : …
Expected behavior docker-machine start default, docker-machine env and docker-machine rm default should be able to start, run the env command and remove the default machine. Actual behavior docker-machine start default fails with exit st...
Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: Could not find matching IP f or MAC address 080027d6b14d I still get this error about IP and MAC. Further investigation. As was suggested by VonC I've retried this with docker-machine 0.6.0. And I got other error: As...
Linux 容器技术的出现就解决了这样一个问题,而 Docker 就是在它的基础上发展过来的。将应用运行在 Docker 容器上面,而 Docker 容器在任何操作系统上都是一致的,这就实现了跨平台、跨服务器。只需要一次配置好环境,换到别的机子上就可以一键部署好,大大简化了操作,一句话:解决了运行环境和配置问题软件容器,方便做...
I want to install docker toolbox on my windows 10 home pc. Everything works perfectly but I want to install openwhisk with docker and I get error on the following commands gitclonehttps://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-devtools.gitcdincubator-openwhisk-devtools/docker-composemakequick-start...