I first tried building on Windows but got a number of errors along with some FileNotFound that looked like the code was searching for a linux-style path. So I moved to Ubuntu and tried again building there. I am now getting an issue much...
一、检查是否安装cmake 查看 cmake版本:sudo cmake --version如果输出如下,表示未安装 cmake sudo: cmake: command not found二、使用apt-get安装cmake 注意:使用 apt-get安装的是低版本… 程序员 .NETCore部署到linux最全解决方案,入魔篇(Docker+Jenkins持续集成、自动化) 国思RDI...发表于.net开... 详解...
一般出现这个bash: make: command not found提示,是因为安装系统的时候使用的是最小化mini安装,系统没有安装make、vim等常用命令,直接yum安装下即可; yum -y install gcc automake autoconf libtool make 直接ssh运行即可,安装make。
command(${VAR}),它相当于command(a b c) 如果想把一个字符串列表作为单个参数传递给命令,可以用双引号,如: command(“${VAR}”),相当于command(“a b c”) (3)流程控制 。判断 if(var) some_command(...) endif(var) 当var的值不为empty,0,N,NO,OFF,FALSE,NOTFOUND -NOTFOUND,some_command(....
It appears it doesn't have the command utility used to determine if some prerequisite binaries exist before running targets (https://github.com/deis/duffle/blob/master/Makefile#L17). I've actually seen this in CI when running targets via other containers (say, docker:latest, etc.) In ...
make: command not found 经过搜索资料整理,最终找到了问题出现的原因: 主要是因为安装系统的时候使用的是最小化mini安装,系统没有安装make、vim等常用命令,直接yum安装下即可。 在使用之前可以先更新一下yum插件 yum -y update 我们可以执行一下命令来安装 ...
It is not present if it gives you the make command not found error.Therefore, if you use the make command with other arguments, you should see an error message similar to the above image. Now that we have established that it’s because the make utility or package isn’t present, the ...
app_1 | /bin/bash: nodemon: command not found app_1 | make: *** [run] Error 127 test_app_1 exited with code 2 Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force) 有人能给些建议吗? 注意:我的基础镜像surenderthakran/nodejs:v4的Dockerfile可以在这里找到:https://github.com/surenderth...
但有时,你会遇到终端打印command not found未找到命令的错误。...比如这个bash: command not found命令未找到,错误已经给出了提示。你的shell找不到你输入的命令。...为了减少操作系统镜像的大小,容器通常甚至不包含最常见的Linux命令。这就是Docker用户偶然发现bash: command not found: ping命令未找到错误的原因...