I get "This site can't be reached localhost refused to connect." in the Chrome browser What I've Tried This used to happen less frequently and I would give my laptop a restart, repeat the process above, and I could connect via https://localhost:8000/. However, it r...
An error occurred trying to connect: Get http://localhost:2375/v1.21/info: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. If I run it in Docker QuickStart Terminal it works, but not working in PowerShell or in MSBuild...
Ok, that makes a bit more sense. I am pretty sure you cannot connect to or localhost when running the container in docker for windows. You have to keep in mind that with docker for windows, the containers are actually running inside a linux vm under hyper-v, so or...
PS C:\> docker -H tcp://localhost:2375 ps error during connect: Get http://localhost:2375/v1.39/containers/json: dial tcp [::1]:2375: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. gnchen January 15, 2019, 12:...
在Linux Ubuntu上使用Docker Desktop和Kubernetes时,我遇到了同样的错误,但Docker Desktop也无法正常启动,...
错误failed to connect to localhost:443类似于没有进程侦听端口443。用于创建nginx映像的dockerfile公开...
TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 169m ngnix-service NodePort <none> 80:30007/TCP 7m19s PS C:\Users\ME\nginx> curl.exe http://localhost:30007 curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 30007: Connection refused ...
docker ps -a --- Container has displayed Then mssql -u sa -p myPassword@12345 Then Connecting to localhost… Error: Failed to connect to localhost:1433 - connect ECONNREFUSED ALERT MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED - I am getting this kind of alert message . Please guide me. Thank...
2375 without SSL" option. This allowed me to, from WSL, connect to the Docker daemon running in Windows. While I can connect to localhost on port 2375 from Windows, from within WSL, I can no longer connect to 2375 on localhost -- connection refused. This only happens when running in ...
Docker for Windows是一种在Windows操作系统上运行的容器化平台,它允许开发人员将应用程序及其依赖项打包成轻量级、可移植的容器,以实现快速部署和可扩展性。 在Docker for Windows中,容器的网络配置是通过Docker网络模型来实现的。每个容器都有自己的IP地址,这个IP地址是在Docker网络中分配的,与宿主机的IP地址是不...