搜索得知Windows下docker无法使用host网络(试了半天发现坑在这等我呢,nnd),故需要更改compose.yaml文件 官方文件中network_mode使用的host,注释掉使用默认,添加端口映射,数据库地址需要填入宿主机本地网络wsl的ip地址填入,这里如果填localhost是容器内部自己的ip,不是宿主机的。 另外需要注意: 若要使用外部数据库,需要...
PS C:\> docker -H tcp://localhost:2375 ps error during connect: Get http://localhost:2375/v1.39/containers/json: dial tcp [::1]:2375: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. gnchen January 15, 2019, 12:...
简单地从官方redis在Docker Desktop中创建容器可能无法工作。
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused root@d3:~$ curl localhost <!DOCTYPE html> Welcome to nginx! … iptables 的转发规则将默认拒绝 从默认允许改为默认拒绝,从而避免容器外露的问题。 在docker network inspect 里显示连入节点 Show peer nodes in docker network ins...
2). 执行docker pull local.registry.com:5000/php 或其他连接本地registry server的命令 错误提示: dial tcp connection refused. HTTP attempt: unable to ping registry endpoint http://local.registry.com:5000/v0/ v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get ...
I have enabled exposure of localhost:2375 in Docker settings. See below: 👍3 Activity liqdfire commented on Jun 27, 2017 liqdfireon Jun 27, 2017 Contributor Connection refused [::ffff:]:2375 That error is telling you that localhost is resolving to an IPv6 address on your system...
So then i switch over to my browser, and navigate tohttp://, which comes up with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED For good measure, I try: docker ssh <machine> # wget localhost Connecting to localhost ( wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refuse...
错误failed to connect to localhost:443类似于没有进程侦听端口443。用于创建nginx映像的dockerfile公开...