c1893f7eea9f friendlyhello"python app.py"15minutes ago Up16minutes 官方的指导手册说,可以在浏览器中输入地址http://localhost:4000来检测docker是否运行 可惜我无法连接到localhost $ curl http://localhost:4000curl: (7) Failedtoconnecttolocalhost port4000: Connection refused //--- 解决方案 查询docker-...
我在本机宿主环境java -jar 跑pigx-gateway是没问题的,在docker 环境中跑报“ Unable to connect to localhost:6379”,难道docker 环境配置文件不生效了吗?因为我配置的是56379端口,而不是默认的6379端口。 详细回显步骤 Github Action 创建了任务 5年前 Github Action 将关联仓库设置为pig4cloud.com/pig 5年...
1、如果还没有 docker group 就添加一个 sudo groupadd docker 2、将用户加入该 group 内。然后退出并重新登录就生效啦。 sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker 3、重启 docker 服务 sudo service docker restart
无法连接到Docker守护进程 - 它是否正在运行? 在使用Docker进行容器化开发的过程中,有时候我们会遇到一个错误信息:“Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running”。这个错误通常意味着Docker守护进程没有运行或者无法连接到它。 Docker守护进程是什么? Docker守护进程是一个在后...
The problem is that php-apache container triggers an error when trying to access the jena-fuseki container throug this URL => GEThttp://localhost:3030/ds/data/Biodiversite_ark: Fatal error: Uncaught EasyRdf_Exception:Unable to connect to localhost:3030 (Connection refused)in /var/www/html/ve...
constSequelize=require('sequelize');constsequelize=newSequelize('database','root','password',{host:'localhost',dialect:'mysql',});sequelize.authenticate().then(()=>{console.log('Connection has been established successfully.');}).catch((err)=>{console.error('Unable to connect to the database...
forgive me I am kind of new to this so I probably made a number of stupid mistakes. I am trying to launch Rocket.chat utilizing docker-compose. when I start it using, docker compose up -d everything works shows to be …
I am trying to connect ohif viewer and orthanc by running them as separate containers. But when I access ohif viewer in port http://localhost:8002/, I am getting 502 bad gateway error I am running ohif viewer by using the docker image fr...
Maven构建Docker镜像报错Connect to localhost:2375 [localhost/, localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] failed 日落_3d9f关注IP属地: 台湾 0.7482022.03.13 20:11:28字数26阅读2,201 解决方案。右击任务栏[Docker]图标 点击Settings 勾选红线部分 完美解决 解决docker链接不上的问题...