要从命令行创建Windows EventLog源,请按照以下步骤操作: 1. 打开命令提示符:点击开始菜单,输入“cmd”并按回车键。 2. 在命令提示符中,输入以下命令以创建新的EventLog...
Life is a journey e.g. 1: eventcreate /ID 1 /L APPLICATION /T INFORMATION /SO OlympicApp /D "Olympic2012 Log" This will create a new event source named "OlympicApp" under APPLICATION event log as INFORMATION event type. e.g. 2: eventcreate /ID 2 /L APPLICATION /T ERROR /SO Olym...
Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", arg.EventRecord.FormatDescription());//log.EventId = arg.EventRecord.Id;//系统日志分配的记录ID//log.Source = arg.EventRecord.ProviderName;//来源//log.Level = (int)(arg.EventRecord.LevelDisplayName == "错误" ? WinLogLevelID.ERROR : WinLogLevelID.W...
Now we want to create an event log for deleting user profile. Can I know which type of event log is suitable to create a new events, for deleting each profile. What is the event ID to create the log? If anyone expertise on this can you please provide your suggestion or if someone ...
Windows Event Log Enumerations Ανάπτυξηπίνακα Functions Ανάπτυξηπίνακα Structures Ανάπτυξηπίνακα EVT_RPC_LOGIN Contains the information used to connect to a remote computer. EVT_VARIANT ...
EventLoglog=newEventLog("Application");Console.WriteLine("Total entries: "+log.Entries.Count);EventLogEntrylast=log.Entries[log.Entries.Count-1];Console.WriteLine("Index: "+last.Index);Console.WriteLine("Source: "+last.Source);Console.WriteLine("Type: "+last.EntryType);Console.WriteLine("Time...
The Installer object for your windows service, actually hosted several other Installer objects, one of the child Installer is responsible to create the Event Log. You need to find this object and then changed the Log property and it will create the appropriate event log. It is easy to find...
The Windows Event Log System contains components that work together to create, deliver, and display event information. First, events are designed for a specific audience. When the events are designed and all the information for an event is specified, the events can be defined in an instrumentatio...
CreateFileMapping(dupHandle, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, NULL); 余下日志删除操作的部分可参考之前的系列文章 完整代码已开源,包括两种删除日志的方法: 1、自己解析格式,实现日志删除 地址如下: https://github.com/3gstudent/Eventlogedit-evtx--Evolution/blob/master/DeleteRecordbyGetHandle.cpp ...
Wscript.Echo "The Application event log could not be backed up." else Wscript.Echo "success backup log" End If Next 程序说明:如果备份成功将窗口提示:"success backup log" 否则提示:"The Application event log could not be backed up",此处备份的日志为application 备份位置为f:\application.evt,可以...