1.在Windows搜索框输入[背景主题]①,然后点选[打开]②。2.在主题中,您可以点选Windows内建的主题③,或是点选[在Microsoft Store取得更多主题]④以探索各式各样新颖好看的主题来个性化您的电脑。
使用SimpleClassicTheme。效果图见下方。不过这个软件的作者自 2023 年 4 月开始就停止更新了,新系统可...
1. 点击桌面上的右键,选择“个性化”(Personalization)。2. 在左侧菜单中,选择“主题”(Themes)。3. 在右侧窗口中,向下滚动并找到“经典主题”(Windows Classic Theme),然后单击它。4. 在下拉菜单中,选择“经典主题”(Windows Classic Theme)。5. 如果您之前选择的是其他主题,系统会提示您...
你只要尽可能修改成经典主题的配色即可(如下图所示),主题传送门:Classic Theme For Win10 ...
Download classic themes for Windows 10 Each theme is just a *.theme file. Double click it to apply it. I also have a collection of similar themes for Windows 8.xhere. Finally, if you are using theClassic Shell Start Menu, it has an "XP Classic Retro" skin available that makes the ...
Classic theme for Windows 10. Contribute to malvinas2/ClassicThemeForWindows10 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Looking for some new Windows 10 themes for your desktop? Discover the 15 best Windows 10 themes to change the user experience on your PC on HP® Tech Takes.
; Windows Classic - IDS_THEME_DISPLAYNAME_CLASSICDisplayName=Windows 10; Computer - SHIDI_SERVER[CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]DefaultValue=%SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll,-109; UsersFiles - SHIDI_USERFILES[CLSID\{59031A47-3F72-44A7-89C5-5595FE6B30EE}\...
本次带来一款很火的Windows10简约主题,Simplify 10 Light,UI非常简约的风格,另外不懂Win10怎么使用美化主题的,里面有附带工具箱和教程,大家去看看就行了! 文件详情内含五款样式+一个文件夹: Simplify_10_light_blue.theme Simplify_10_light_circles.theme Simplify_10_light_classic.theme Simplify_10_light_lines...
SupportURL - Windows 10 hardware dev ThemeName - Windows 10 hardware dev UnicastIpAddresses - Windows 10 hardware dev UseASCII - Windows 10 hardware dev DataRoam - Windows 10 hardware dev KMDFStartType - Windows 10 hardware dev VoicemailIntercept - Windows 10 hardware dev Options - Windows 10 ...