在个性化设置中,我们可以将桌面背景更改为Windows7最早期的默认壁纸,同时选择一款古老的屏幕保护程序,例如经典的“流星雨”。 调整任务栏设置 在任务栏的属性设置中,我们可以将任务栏的位置设置为底部,并调整其大小和样式,以模拟Windows7早期版本的风格。同时,我们还可以启用原始的Windows7开始菜单,以回到那个熟悉的界面。
解压缩完成后,您将得到一个.theme文件。右键点击该文件,选择“打开”或“应用”,系统将自动应用该主题。这样一来,您的Windows7界面就会发生巨大的变化。更改壁纸 经典主题不仅包含界面元素的变化,还有与之相匹配的壁纸。为了完全还原古老风格的界面,我们需要更改壁纸。右键点击桌面,选择“个性化”,然...
Today I going to share my exlusive port of classic color themes. I feel a true nostalgie with them. I do hope you like them. I have ported all 16 themes, including: Bricks Desert Eggplant Liac Maple Marine Plum Pumplkin Rainyday Red blue white Rose Slate Spruce Storm Teal Wheat Some s...
使用SimpleClassicTheme。效果图见下方。不过这个软件的作者自 2023 年 4 月开始就停止更新了,新系统...
1. Soft7 As the name says, the theme is has soft blue looks. The start button is a beautiful match to show the softness. Download Soft7 Windows 7 Theme 2. Elegant Glass Elegant Glass has a transparency effect and truly it’s looks elegant. Download Elegant Glass 3. Leopard Dark Basic...
In the navigation pane, clickChange color scheme. In theColor Schemelist, selectWindows Classictheme, and then clickApply. In theColor Schemelist, selectWindows 7 Basic, and then clickOK. Wait for the theme to be applied.
1. Windows XP users have the default display theme of "Windows XP". 2. You use USMT 4.0 to migrate from Windows XP to Windows 7. 3. After migrating to Windows 7 with USMT – using online or offline migrations -- any migrated users that logon have theold and ...
对于Windows XP/Vista/7 将会进入经典样式(关闭XP的全彩主题服务与Vista/7的Aero)自己制作的,效果略渣不喜勿喷。; Copyright ?Microsoft Corp.[Theme]; Windows Classic - IDS_THEME_DISPLAYNAME_CLASSICDisplayName=Windows 10; Computer - SHIDI_SERVER[CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\...