HCI_VS_MSFT_RSSI_Event表示 HCI_VS_MSFT_Monitor_Rssi 命令已完成。 如果Status 參數為零,則命令已完成,因為遠端裝置的 RSSI 值已變更為超出指定範圍的值。 如果Status 參數為非零,則命令已完成,因為無法再監視連線的 RSSI 值。展開資料表 活動事件代碼Microsoft事件程序代碼事件參數 HCI_VS_MSFT_...
一般重装了系统的就会出现蓝牙用不了,大部分原因是驱动有问题,还有小部分原因是设置的问题。比如win7自带的驱动就不行。 蓝牙驱动安装 我们要装驱动的话就要直接找纯净的驱动来安装,不要用驱动精灵这种流氓软件,用了之后电脑就废了。下面附上一个通用的高通蓝牙驱动程序。获取方式:Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Suite(64...
{"DeviceList": [ { "Class": string, "Description": string, "ID": string, "Manufacturer": string, "ParentID": string, "ProblemCode": int, "StatusCode": int },... ]} 狀態碼此API 具有下列預期狀態碼。展開資料表 HTTP 狀態碼描述 200 確定 4XX 錯誤碼 5XX 錯誤碼可用...
方法请求URI GET /api/wpr/statusURI 参数无 请求标头无 请求正文无 响应采用以下格式的 WPR 跟踪会话的状态。JSON 复制 { "SessionType": string, (Running or Idle) "State": string (normal or boot) } 状态代码此API 具有以下预期状态代码。展开...
BluetoothRadio bluetoothRadio = BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio; if (bluetoothRadio == null) Console.WriteLine("没有找到本机蓝牙设备!"); else Console.WriteLine("ClassOfDevice: " + bluetoothRadio.ClassOfDevice); Console.WriteLine("HardwareStatus: " + bluetoothRadio.HardwareStatus); ...
.RequestAccessAsync();// request access if (accessLevel != RadioAccessStatus.Allowed) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed"); } else { var radios = await Radio.GetRadiosAsync(); var bluetoothRadio = radios.FirstOrDefault(radio => radio.Kind == RadioKind.Bluetooth); bool isEnable = bluetoothRadio !
Windows.Devices.Bluetooth Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Background Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm Windows.Devices.Custom Windows.Devices.Display Windows.Devices.Display.Core ...
If you hear "Radio button, not selected," press Spacebar to select the device in focus. Check that your Bluetooth device is connected Press the Windows logo key+I to open the computer Settings. You hear: "Settings window, search box." Press the Tab key once, ...
Requests permission from the user to set alarms, and retrieves the status of user permission for the app to set alarms. AppBroadcastTrigger Represents an event that triggers a background task to run when an application starts gameplay broadcasting. AppBroadcastTriggerProviderInfo Provides informati...
In Device Manager, select Bluetooth. Press and hold (or right-click) the Bluetooth adapter name (which may include the word “radio”), and select Uninstall device. Select the Start button, then select Power > Shut down. After your device shuts down, wait a few seconds, ...