Windows 藍牙配置檔 若要讓已啟用藍牙的裝置或配件與執行 Windows 10 的電腦搭配使用,裝置必須使用其中一個支援的藍牙配置檔。 請參閱支援藍牙配置檔的最新清單。 如果IHD 不想讓 Windows 自動為其裝置產生 PDO,他們可以將服務 GUID 新增至不支援的服務清單。 如需範例,請參閱 Bth.inf。 組策略如何封鎖藍牙無線...
蓝牙无线电重置和恢复 蓝牙无线电重置和恢复是 Windows 10 版本 1803 及更高版本中的一种技术,为蓝牙无线电引入了可靠的重置和恢复机制。 此机制使蓝牙无线电能够从导致故障、连接中断或对操作命令无响应的硬件故障中恢复。 目标是自动恢复无线电,使用户体验无缝,并降低需要系统重启的可能性。 蓝牙无线电重置和恢复...
If your Bluetooth devices do not work correctly on a computer that is running Windows 11/10, then you might want to update device drivers, check the status of the related two services and apply this hotfix from Microsoft and see if something helps you. Bluetooth not working in Windows 11/1...
as the Bluetooth device they are trying to connect is not connecting with their Windows 10 device, although both of them are already paired. If you are facing this same issue, then don’t worry. There are some simple solutions which can fix your problem. Mainly...
HCI_VS_MSFT_RSSI_Event表示 HCI_VS_MSFT_Monitor_Rssi 命令已完成。 如果Status 參數為零,則命令已完成,因為遠端裝置的 RSSI 值已變更為超出指定範圍的值。 如果Status 參數為非零,則命令已完成,因為無法再監視連線的 RSSI 值。展開表格 活動事件代碼Microsoft事件程序代碼事件參數 HCI_VS_MSFT_RSS...
In Windows 10 it is starting only if the user, an application or another service starts it. If Bluetooth Radio USB Driver fails to start, the failure details are being recorded into Event Log. Then Windows 10 will start up and notify the user that the BTHUSB service has failed to start ...
10. Live Tiles 12. Microsoft Account 14. Network Connection Status Indicator 16. OneDrive 18. Settings > Privacy & security 19. Software Protection Platform 22. Teredo 24. Microsoft Defender Antivirus 26. Microsoft Store 27. Apps for websites 29. Windows Upda...
Check the status of the Device Association Service Perform a System Restore Perform an In-place Upgrade Below, we have explained all these fixes in detail. 1] Make sure that the Bluetooth of your PC is turned on Check if you haveturned on the Bluetooth of your computer. The button to tur...
Windows 10 versija 1809: Iemesls Korporācija Microsoft ir konstatējusi saderības problēmas ar dažām draivera versijām Bluetooth radio, ko nodrošina Realtek. Lai noņemtu šo aizsardzības aizturēšanu, jums ir jāatjau...
When one or more apps are currently using your device location through the Windows location service, you’ll see the location icon in the notification area of your taskbar (on Windows 10 PCs) or in the status bar at the top of your screen (on Windows 10 Mobile devices). ...