在左栏选中“操作系统”-“Windows 7”,在右边选择语言,然后在列出的版本中选择需要的版本,本例为Windows 7 SP1 专业版 VL版 64位版本,复制下面的ed2k链接到BT下载工具中进行下载。若下载无速度,可以自行在网上搜索镜像名,看看有没有人分享在其他渠道上。注意:下载之后一定要验证一下SHA1值与MSDN,我告诉你网站...
Notepad++ v8.4.6_x64_portable电子书阅读管理43、 Calibreinstaller-5.30.0-portable-44、 SumatraPDF_Portable45、 ReadBook文件批量重命名系统维护46、 Bulk Rename Utility v3.2.0.0_Portable系统维护47、Dism++48、DirectX Repair Enhanced v4.2_Edition49、CCleaner Professional v6.10.10347_Portable50、...
安装运行截图 一、版本说明: 1、系统使用IT天空 Easy Sysprep v4.5 和 ImageX 10.0 封装 2、集成了截至 2023 年 10 月 11 日 系统和O...
Windows 8 ..★系统详情:架构:x64已拆弹激活(qemu虚拟机)硬件:i440(不支持sata)汉化包:by孟君233(因为是测试版汉化包所以也就不去汉化包水印了)输入:PS/2redpill:默认开启且修复集成
PC0001: A computer running Windows 10 Enterprise x64, fully patched with the latest security updates, and configured as a member in the contoso.com domain. Client name: PC0001 IP Address: DHCP PC0002: A computer running Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise x64, fully patched w...
【不忘初心游戏版】Windows11_23H2_22631.4169_X64_无更新[精简版][2.74G](2024.9.15) ,https://pan.quark.cn/s/850320870287,使用夸克网盘移动端转存可获得1TB存储空间, 视频播放量 1213、弹幕量 0、点赞数 18、投硬币枚数 11、收藏人数 8、转发人数 0, 视频作者 HRsyste
Using 7-Zip, WinRAR or any other tool of choice, open the .7z archive Within the .7z archive, open the subfolder Example: WSA_2xxx.xxxxx.xx.x_xx or WSA_2xxx.xxxxx.xx.x_xx_Release-Nightly-with-magisk-xxxxxxx-MindTheGapps-xx.x-RemovedAmazon) Select all the files that are with...
PC0001: A computer running Windows 10 Enterprise x64, fully patched with the latest security updates, and configured as a member in the contoso.com domain. Client name: PC0001 IP Address: DHCP PC0002: A computer running Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise x64, fully patched with the latest ...