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the AllJoyn project from 2013 until 2016 when it merged with the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), the sponsors, another protocol for Internet of Things scenarios. Customers should refer to theIotivity.orgwebsite for alternatives such asIotivity LiteorIotivity.August 17, 2023 ... WinEmb-Font-Chinese...
【猛男快报】NVIDIA下一代消费级芯片规格曝光:上限64G显存,下限128bit位宽 02:27 【猛男快报】9600X跑分初曝光:频率狂飙5.7Ghz,能成为下一代游戏神U吗 01:24 【猛男快报】呼~Computex终于结束了,科技圈盛会前沿新品大汇总奉上 02:28 【猛男快报】 Computex奇葩产品大盘点:显卡内置水冷、游戏芯片AI卡... ...
目标平台指MinGW最终编译好的二进制代码运行的平台,[i686...]表示Win32平台,[x86_64-...]表示Win64平台。工具链OS表示你安装MinGW的计算机OS。 例如,如果想在WinXP32位平台上编译运行于Win7 64位平台的程序或库(dll),需要选择:x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8.0-win32_rubenvb.7z。
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the AllJoyn project from 2013 until 2016 when it merged with the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), the sponsors, another protocol for Internet of Things scenarios. Customers should refer to theIotivity.orgwebsite for alternatives such asIotivity LiteorIotivity.August 17, 2023 ...