In the Windows 11 23H2 update, File Explorer updated with a significant redesign with an improved interface. Notable additions include anew Gallery viewfor easy access to photos, organized by month with the latest ones appearing first. The modernizedFile Explorer Home now features an enhanced addres...
What features are new on Windows 11 23H2 These are all the new features available with the Windows 11 23H2 release starting October 31, 2023: New Copilot AI As part of version 23H2, Windows 11 introduces “Copilot,” a new AI chatbot that integrates with Bing Chat and first and third-...
While these features have already been released as part of a recentWindows 11 22H2 'Moment 4' update, for those upgrading from Windows 10, they will get to enjoy all the new features in this update as well. This article will explore Windows 11 23H2 features, from dynamic lighting ...
Windows 11 版本 23H2 Windows 11 版本 22H2必需的诊断数据收集的是一组有限信息,此类信息对了解设备及其配置至关重要,包括基本设备信息、与质量相关的信息、应用兼容性和 Microsoft Store。必需的诊断数据有助于发现特定设备硬件或软件配置可能会出现的问题。 例如,它可以帮助确定具有特定内存量或运行特定驱动程序...
Windows 11 バージョン 23H2 Windows 11、 バージョン 22H2必要な診断データは、基本デバイス情報、品質関連情報、アプリの互換性、Microsoft Store など、デバイスとその構成について理解するうえで重要な限られた情報セットが収集されます。
This year is the first year of AI PC. Many AI technologies have shown up, and development is blooming. So many vendors come up with the concept or perspective of AI PC, Microsoft as well. The latest Windows 11 23H2 update adds many features related to AI technology that can help speed...
How to try the new features If you'd like to get your Windows 11 PC running version 23H2, you can open the Settings app, find the Windows Update section and hit the "Check for updates" button. A blog post has detail on the update for education and commercial customers. Microsoft ...
Part 1: Windows 11 23H2 下載 微軟目前已推出 Windows 11 23H2,您可以透過官方下載頁面選擇使用 Windows 11 安裝媒體建立工具或 ISO 檔進行更新。以下是取得 ISO 檔的步驟示範: 前往微軟 Windows 11 下載頁面,找到「下載 Windows 11 磁碟映像 (ISO)」,然後點擊「選取下載」。 在選擇「Windows 11 (multi-edi...
This enables devices to take advantage of new features now. For version 22H2 devices that receive updates directly from Windows Update, devices automatically get the enablement package by installing the feature update to Windows 11, version 23H2. What's new in Windows 11, version 23H2 for I... [2]wi...