In the Windows 11 23H2 update, File Explorer updated with a significant redesign with an improved interface. Notable additions include anew Gallery viewfor easy access to photos, organized by month with the latest ones appearing first. The modernizedFile Explorer Home now features an enhanced addres...
UPDATED 1/4/2024:Windows 11 23H2 (or Windows 11 2023 Update) is officially available startingOctober 31, 2023, for compatible devices already on version 22H2. This update represents the next feature update for the client version of Windows 11, and it packs a lot of new features, changes, ...
Windows 11 23H2 introduces a new enhanced volume mixer in Quick Settings, allowing quick customization of audio on a per-app basis and device swapping on the go. A new keyboard shortcut (WIN + CTRL + V) provides faster access to the volume mixer. It also includes a quick access ...
Part 1: Windows 11 23H2 下載 微軟目前已推出 Windows 11 23H2,您可以透過官方下載頁面選擇使用 Windows 11 安裝媒體建立工具或 ISO 檔進行更新。以下是取得 ISO 檔的步驟示範: 前往微軟 Windows 11 下載頁面,找到「下載 Windows 11 磁碟映像 (ISO)」,然後點擊「選取下載」。 在選擇「Windows 11 (multi-edi...
文件名: zh-cn_windows_11_business_editions_version_23h2_updated_march_2024_x64_dvd_6acf388d....
文件名: en-us_windows_11_business_editions_version_23h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_97f0b7e9.... Upgrade to Windows 11 23H2 Most of the MSI desktop systems already preload Windows 11, so we just need a simple upgrade will be fine. The whole upgrade process is around 45 mins to 1 hrs. The most important thing is rememberin...
For more details and insights into what else is new—including a list of features no longer under temporary enterprise control—check outWhat's new in Windows 11, version 23H2in our docs on Microsoft Learn. What’s the best way to deploy this upd...
Windows 11, versions 22H2 and 23H2 share a common core operating system and an identical set of system files. Because of this, the release notes for Windows 11, versions 22H2 and 23H2 will share an update history page. Each release page will contain a list of addres...
Windows 11, version 23H2 is a feature update for Windows 11. It includes all features and fixes in previous cumulative updates to Windows 11, version 22H2. This article lists the new and updated features IT Pros should know. Windows 11, version 23H2 follows theWindows 11 servicing timeline:...