Users who have installed the update, however, are reporting a strange message that’s showing up ever since. It appears that the Windows Update service warns of end of support for Windows 11 23H2 and asks you to download a newer version ...
Windows 11 專業教育版,版本 21H2 這些版本在 2023 年 10 月 10 日後將不再收到安全性更新。 在此日期之後連絡 Microsoft 支援服務的客戶會受到指引,將其裝置更新至 Windows 11 的最新版本,以繼續享用支援服務。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Windows 生命週期常見問題集。
the newOutlook for Windowswill be automatically installed on Windows 10 devices once you install these updates on your device. This will help simplify the transition to Windows 11 as Windows 10 will reachend of support on October 14, 2025. The new Outlook for Windows will appear in the Apps...
the newOutlook for Windowswill be automatically installed on Windows 10 devices once you install these updates on your device. This will help simplify the transition to Windows 11 as Windows 10 will reachend of support on October 14, 2025. The new Outlook for Windows will appear in the Apps...
如果不是支持代理或 IT 专业人员,可在蓝屏错误疑难解答中找到有关停止错误(“蓝屏”)消息的更多有用信息。 适用于:受支持的 Windows Server 和 Windows 客户端版本 导致停止错误的原因是什么? 当Windows 遇到危及系统安全运行的情况时,系统将停止。 示例包括可能危及安全性...
Windows 11 家庭版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业工作站版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业教育版 Version 21H22023 年 10 月 10 日之后,这些版本将不会再获得安全更新。 在此更新之后联系 Microsoft 支持人员的客户将被引导更新其设备到最新版本的Windows 11,以保持受支持。
2026, if users remain on their current released version of Windows 11, version 23H2. After November 2026, Windows Mixed Reality will no longer receive security updates, nonsecurity updates, bug fixes, technical support, or online technical content updates. This deprecation doesn't affect HoloLens...
In thisguide, I will teach you how to install Windows 11 (version 24H2 and23H2) on a computer with incompatible hardware. Since the device does not officially support the new version of Windows, using these workarounds is not recommended unless you know the risks and understand that stabilit...
Your Windows 10 device might show you a notification indicating your device needs an update. Here’s what you need to know if you see this message: “Your device has reached the end of service. Here’s how you can ensure continued support.” ...
If you have lost unsaved data due to theerror code: 0xc000014c,Recoveritwill help you with this. Recoverit comes to put an end to your worries. It can restore more than a thousand types of files, including FAT, APFS, NTFS, and so on. Besides, it will not change anything in your lo...