Make a smooth transition to Windows 11 from your unsupported operating system with help from Microsoft. Enjoy the benefits of upgrading to a Windows 11 PC.
Make a smooth transition to Windows 11 from your unsupported operating system with help from Microsoft. Enjoy the benefits of upgrading to a Windows 11 PC.
使用Windows 11 让日常任务更加轻松 当有很多任务时,Windows 11 可帮助你完成它们。 了解Windows 11 欢迎来到“关于 Windows 的所有事情” 准备Windows 11 在Windows 中使用 AI 实现更多 Windows 是第一个提供集中式 AI 协助的电脑平台。 详细了解 Windows 上的 Copilot 使用画图共同创建器将创意转换为艺术 开启实...
Make a smooth transition to Windows 11 from your unsupported operating system with help from Microsoft. Enjoy the benefits of upgrading to a Windows 11 PC.
Make a smooth transition to Windows 11 from your unsupported operating system with help from Microsoft. Enjoy the benefits of upgrading to a Windows 11 PC.
此页面列出了从 Windows 10、Windows 8.1 和 Windows 7 轻松过渡到 Windows 11 所需的信息、工具和提示。Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 7 对Windows 7 的支持已终止 历经10 年,对 Windows 7 的安全更新和技术支持于 2020 年 1 月 14 日终止。我们明白,变更可能不容易,但我们随时乐意帮助您轻松采取后续步骤...
Windows 11 工作站專業版,版本 21H2 Windows 11 專業教育版,版本 21H2 這些版本在 2023 年 10 月 10 日後將不再收到安全性更新。 在此日期之後連絡 Microsoft 支援服務的客戶會受到指引,將其裝置更新至 Windows 11 的最新版本,以繼續享用支援服務。
To help ourSMB customersmigrate to Windows 11, we have created anassessment toolto communicate the steps they need to take to mitigate the risks of Windows 10 End of Support as well as resources to help. Education customerscan use the tools summarized above, and we are...
Windows 11 家庭版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业工作站版 Version 21H2 Windows 11 专业教育版 Version 21H22023 年 10 月 10 日之后,这些版本将不会再获得安全更新。 在此更新之后联系 Microsoft 支持人员的客户将被引导更新其设备到最新版本的Windows 11,以保持受支持。
To help ourSMB customersmigrate to Windows 11, we have created anassessment toolto communicate the steps they need to take to mitigate the risks of Windows 10 End of Support as well as resources to help. Education customerscan use the tools summarized above, and we are excited to support ou...