In a computer-operated display device, a mapping of (a) the boundary and contents of a window into (b) the boundary and interior of a viewport.Synonymviewing transformation.See alsocomputer,display device,map,operation,viewport,window.
mgr->setRoot (scene);// show the whole scenemgr->showAll();// copy to second windowintwinid2 = setupGLUT(&argc, argv); gwin2= GLUTWindow::create(); gwin2->setId(winid2); gwin2->init(); ViewportPtr ovp = gwin->getPort()[0]; ViewportPtr vp = Viewport::create(); begin...
Any number of output devices can we open in a particular app, and three windows to viewport transformation can be performed for each open output device. This mapping called workstation transformation (It is accomplished by selecting a window area in normalized space and a viewport area in the c...
modulesConfigFile)) {printf("Error: failed to setup SystemCore!\n");printf("Please check if the Plugins-path is correctly set to the inVRs-lib directory in the ");printf("'final/config/general.xml' config file, e.g.:\n");printf("<path name=\"Plugins\" path=\"/home/guest/inVRs...