Ocean currents and wind: how well can the connection be made?No Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/292287a0EriksenCharles CNature Publishing Group UKNature
A 15-year research project has revealed that changes in wind patterns are contributing to rising sea temperatures in the Southern Ocean. ABC News:‘Research shows Southern Ocean wind currents weakening’ CSIRO Media release:‘Antarctic route highlights new ocean-climate links’ Thanks to Luke for al...
Wind and Ocean CurrentsAGEOPHYSICALDiscussionon"WindandOceanCurrents"washeldintheroomsoftheRoyalAstronomicalSocietyonNovember26Thechairman,DrATDoodson,emphasizedthegreatcomplexityofthesubject,andgaveabriefsummaryofitsvariousaspectsdoi:10.1038/163237a0NoneNature...
force at the sea surface (i.e., the wind stress) produces the wind-driven circulation. Currents moving along the ocean floor and the sides of the ocean also are subject to the influence ofboundary-layerfriction. The motionless ocean floor removes momentum from the circulation of the ocean ...
Ocean Currents Ocean currents affect the temperature by moving hot or cold water from one location to another. The Gulf Stream, for example, moves warm air from the Gulf of Mexico along the eastern coast of the U.S., and eventually to the British Isles. As the warm water travels North,...
Here we study the mechanism by which the wind drives ocean circulation. We induce cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation by blowing air over the surface of a rotating tank of water using fans co-rotating with the turntable, as sketched in Figure 1. The Ekman layers and patterns of upwelling ...
The vergence chart of the ocean currents (January) shows in the region of the equatorial counter current a distribution of the vergence that is in good agreement with the scheme of the vertical circulation within the equatorial region of the Atlantic as proposed by A. Defant ....
in the EP (Fig.3c). The climatological divergence of surface ocean currents further spread the equatorial EP warm anomaly (i.e.-\(\bar{u}\frac{\partial {T}^{t}}{\partial x}\), and -\(\bar{v}\frac{\partial {T}^{t}}{\partial y}\)) both poleward and westward (Fig.3d–g)...
The fluids whose kinetic energy can be converted into electro-mechanical energy are: ocean waters, river current and atmospheric air. In a book to be published in 2006, I have described different techniques of energy conversion. In the APS meeting, I plan to discuss some of these techniques....
(SCS) in typical winter and summer months from nine datasets are compared. The datasets include CCMP, CERSAT, ASCAT, QSCAT, NCEP, QSCAT-NCEP, HR, ERA-40, and ERA-Interim. Results show that the overall patterns of the wind stresses, wind stress curls, and Sverdrup stream functions from ...