掌阅小说网为您提供柳林风声:THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS(英文原版)著的肯尼思·格雷厄姆小说,最新章节:CHAPTER 3 THE WILD WOOD
3786 The Wind in the Willows by:Wilson_Zhu 1.7万 the Wind in the Willows by:英语乐园 22.9万 The Wind in the Willows by:英语乐园 40.3万 The Wind in the Willows by:小小艾学英语 4249 The Wind in the Willows by:zozokids 467 The Wind in the Willow by:易安女史 482 The Wind in the Wi...
The Wind in the Willows (Chapter1) 252020-03 5 The Great Stone Face (Chapter 5) 462020-03 6 The Great Stone Face (Chapter 4) 432020-03 7 The Great Stone Face (Chapter3) 292020-03 8 The Great Stone Face (Chapter2) 282020-03 9 The Great Stone Face (Chapter1) 262020-03 10 The ...
The Wind in the Willows,中文译名《柳林风声》, 故事是这样开始的:在风光旖旎的泰晤士河畔,住着四个要好的朋友——憨厚的鼹鼠、机灵的河鼠、狂妄自大的蟾蜍、老成持重的獾。他们游山逛水,尽享大自然的慷慨恩赐。财大气粗而不知天高地厚的蟾蜍,迷上了开汽车,车祸不断,受到朋友们的责难和管束。一次,他偷了...
专辑名:The Wind in the Willows (unabridged) 歌手:Kenneth Grahame 发行时间:2017-03-31 简介: <The Wind in the Willows (unabridged)> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放全选 01Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows, Chapter 1 02Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows, Chapter 2 ...
英语启蒙最好的工具就是原版的英文绘本,因此AAE(American Academy of English,简称AAE)特设英语绘本阅读栏目: The Wind in the Willows (《柳林风声》),培养学生的交际能力。【此绘本适合初中学生学习】【以下为绘本的中英文对照】Chapter 1 第一章 On the river 河流 Mole had been cleaning all morning...
A. Milne adapted a part of it for the stage as Toad of Toad Hall in 1929. In 2003, The Wind in the Willows was listed at N16 on the BBC's survey The Big Read. 内页插图 目录 CHAPTER 1 THE RIVER BANK /1CHAPTER 2 THE OPEN ROAD /14CHAPTER 3 THE WILD WOOD /28CHAPTER 4 MR. ...
柳林风声 英文原版 彩色插图典藏版 The Wind in the Willows 经典儿童文学童话故事书 英文版进口书 礼物典藏版 印刷精美配 彩色插图 分享服务收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(31) 字体适宜(31) 容量够大(31) 物流很快(30) 触感良好(30) 清洁干净...
(以上内容摘自《徐老师原典英语 法》( 著)第二章) The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame Contents Chapter One: The River Bank 3 Chapter Two: The Open Road 5 Chapter Three: The Wild Wood 7 Chapter Four: Mr Badger. 9 Chapter Five: Mr Toad 11 Chapter Six: Toads Adventures. 13 ...