英语启蒙最好的工具就是原版的英文绘本,因此AAE(American Academy of English,简称AAE)特设英语绘本阅读栏目: The Wind in the Willows (《柳林风声》),培养学生的交际能力。【此绘本适合初中学生学习】【以下为绘本的中英文对照】Chapter 1 第一章 On the river 河流 Mole had been cleaning all morning...
所属专辑:The wind in the willows 喜欢下载分享 声音简介It's spring time! shouted Mole.Smell that fresh ait.But my house is so dusty and dirty he said.I need a buckeop.I need mop.It is time to clean.He stood on a ladder to dust a bookcase.He moved a chair to clean under it.He...
Chapter 1河鼹鼠整个早上都在辛苦地打扫着他的小屋。他扫着,洗着;拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶,一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,一会儿又卷起地毯。他不停地清扫着,直到累得胳膊酸、脊背疼。这时正是开春时节,到处都充满了春天的气息,就连鼹鼠这个地下阴暗的小窝里也洋溢着春意。春天,意味着万物变化,...
The Wind In The Willows Chapter 1 362023-12 4 A Little Princess Chapter 4 492023-11 5 A Little Princess Chapter 4 402023-11 6 A Little Princess Chapter 3 332023-11 7 A Little Princess Chapter 2 442023-11 8 A Little Princess Chapter 2 182023-11 9 A Little Princess Chapter 2 242023-11...
The Wind in the Willows,中文译名《柳林风声》, 故事是这样开始的:在风光旖旎的泰晤士河畔,住着四个要好的朋友——憨厚的鼹鼠、机灵的河鼠、狂妄自大的蟾蜍、老成持重的獾。他们游山逛水,尽享大自然的慷慨恩赐。财大气粗而不知天高地厚的蟾蜍,迷上了开汽车,车祸不断,受到朋友们的责难和管束。一次,他偷了...
ISBN:9787201092492 版次:1 商品编码:11712500 品牌:Holybird 包装:平装 丛书名: Holybird New Classics 外文名称:THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS 开本:32开 出版时间:2015-06-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:185 正文柳林风声(英文原版) [THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025 相关...
THEWINDINTHEWILLOWS 1 THEWINDINTHE WILLOWS KENNETHGRAHAME AUTHOROF"THEGOLDENAGE,""DREAMDAYS,"ETC. THEWINDINTHEWILLOWS 2 CHAPTERI. THERIVERBANK TheMolehadbeenworkingveryhardallthemorning,spring- cleaninghislittlehome.Firstwithbrooms,thenwithdusters;thenon laddersandstepsandchairs,withabrushandapailof...
专辑名:The Wind in the Willows (unabridged) 歌手:Kenneth Grahame 发行时间:2017-03-31 简介: <The Wind in the Willows (unabridged)> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放全选 01Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows, Chapter 1 02Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows, Chapter 2 ...
CHAPTER 2 THE OPEN ROAD “Ratty,”said the Mole suddenly, one bright summer morning,“if you please, I want to ask you a favour.” The Rat was sitting on the river bank, singing a little song. He had just composed it himself, so he was very taken up with it, and would not pay...
Such a rich chapter it had been, when one came to look back on it all! With illustrations so numerous and so very highly coloured! The pageant of the river bank had marched steadily along, unfolding itself in scene-pictures that succeeded each other in stately procession. Purple loosestrife ...