Wind map with live wind radar & worldwide wind forecast. See live weather reports, wind speed & waves for kite- & windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking.
Wind direction Wind speed (kts) Wind gusts (max kts) Cloud cover Precipitation type Precipitation (mm / 3h) Air temperature (°C) Air pressure (hPa) Wednesday, Nov 06 Wind Weather 01h 2 kts max 2 kts 12° C 1016 hpa 04h 2 kts max 2 kts ...
农民需要根据风向选择合适的施肥和喷药时间,以减少对环境的影响并提高作物产量。 4. 气象预报 (Weather Forecasting) 气象学家通过分析风向和风速数据,可以预测天气变化。风的变化通常与气象系统的移动有关,因此判断风向是气象预报的重要组成部分。 风向的变化与预测 (Changes and Forecasting of Wind Direction) 风向是...
+ New: Severe weather warnings for the US and Europe + Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, mph, km/h and m/s + Parameters: Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, air temperature, felt temperature, clouds coverage, precipitation, air pressure, wave height, wave period and wave direction ...
WindAlert gives you the weather in your neighborhood, from observations onsite or right next door, get the most accurate wind speed and wind direction. With ove…
Maps / airport, correlation, wind Airport runways orient certain directions that correlate with wind direction in the area.…Time-lapse of all the wind in 2018 Maps / time-lapse, wind Using the same National Weather Service data that powers his live-ish wind map…World...
It cools us off on summer evenings, freezes us on winter mornings, and makes a mess of things during fierce storms. But where does wind come from?
WindAlert gives you the weather in your neighborhood, from observations onsite or right next door, get the most accurate wind speed and wind direction. With ove…
A weathervane includes a vane and a wind direction display roller. Driven by wind force, the vane rotates the display roller through a motion transfer system. The display roller includes a plurality of wind direction indicators. The weathervane further includes a housing that receives the display...
a guide on mariners’ charts to show the directions of the eight principal winds. The modern wind rose used by meteorologists gives the percentage of the time the wind blows from each direction during the observation period; it sometimes shows the strengths of these winds and the percentage of...