View a global map of wind stations with the latest observations of wind speed and direction, plus surf spots and wave buoys for surf and swell observations and forecasts.
+ Animated wind map for a global wind overview + Small Wind Widgets (current conditions) + New: Severe weather warnings for the US and Europe + Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, mph, km/h and m/s + Parameters: Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, air temperature, felt temperature, ...
+ Parameters: Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, air temperature, felt temperature, clouds coverage, precipitation, air pressure, wave height, wave period and wave direction + Webcams worldwide + Optimized display for optimal readability on the go and on any mobile device + Optimized data transfe...
our study was the occasion to assess whether the estimated effects of North-East wind on particulate matters were robust hidden bias. It would require an unmeasured confounder twice more common among treated days to raise doubt on the direction of the estimated effects. This ...
- 24-Hour & 7-Day Forecast showing Time, Estimated Temperature, Estimated Wind Speed and Direction, and % Chance of Precipitation Custom Backgrounds - Choose from standard colored backgrounds - Add a map showing your current location - Select an overlay displaying your rear camera view ...
flow around regions of relativelylowandhighpressure—cyclonesandanticyclones, respectively. They rotate counterclockwise around lows in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise around those in the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly, wind systems rotate around the centers of highs in the opposite direction. ...
To draw each particle, we’ll simply look up its pixel color on the particle state texture in the vertex shader to determine its position; then determine the particle color in the fragment shader by looking up its current velocity from the wind texture; and finally map it to a nice color...
+ Animated wind map for a global wind overview + Small Wind Widgets (current conditions) + Severe weather warnings for Europe and the US + Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, mph, km/h and m/s + Parameters: Wind strength & direction, air temperature, clouds coverage, precipitation, air...
The prevailing wind is in the east direction. Winds predominantly (80%) flowed from the east in the year prior to our field study (from June 2015 to May 2016), which is in accordance with the prevailing wind direction. All climatic data are from the China Meteorological Data Sharing ...
+ Animated wind map for a global wind overview + Small Wind Widgets (current conditions) + New: Severe weather warnings for Europe and the US + Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, mph, km/h and m/s + Parameters: Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, air temperature, felt temperature, ...