usingSystem;usingSystem.IO;// PathusingSystem.Threading;// EventWaitHandleusingSystem.Collections.Generic;// QueueusingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;// Guid, RegistrationServicesusingWindows.ApplicationModel.Background;// IBackgroundTasknamespacePackagedWinMainBackgroundTaskSample{// Background task implem...
单线程单元 使用单线程单元(单元模型进程)提供一个基于消息的范例,用于处理同时运行的多个对象。 它使你能够编写更有效的代码,方法是允许执行一个线程,同时等待一些耗时的操作完成,以允许执行另一个线程。 初始化为单元模型进程且检索和调度窗口消息的进程中的每个线程都是单线程单元线程。 每个线程位于其自己的单元内...
Threading Model for Event Handlers COM Apartment Affinity on 64-bit Windows Related topics This topic describes common threading scenarios for Microsoft UI Automation client implementations and explains how to avoid problems that can occur if a client uses threading incorrectly.This...
线程模型 Advantages of applying threading model when designing multi-thread program model is well-understand and tested, which avoid many of the mistakes model helps dev obtain the best performance model correspond naturally to structures of programming problem troubleshooting is easy if analyze in terms...
对于进程内服务器,当客户端和进程内服务器的线程模型不同时,COM 必须在客户端和对象之间调停。当支持单线程模型的进程内对象由客户端的多个线程同时调用时,COM 不允许客户端线程直接访问对象的接口,因为该对象不支持此类访问。 相反,COM 必须确保调用已同步,并且仅由创建对象的客户端线程进行。 因此,COM 在客户端...
多线程单元由一个或多个线程组成,因此多线程单元中的所有 COM 对象都可以直接从属于多线程单元的任何线程接收方法调用。 多线程单元中的线程使用名为free-threading的模型。 对多线程单元中的 COM 对象的调用由对象本身同步。 备注 有关同一进程中单线程单元与多线程单元之间通信的说明,请参阅单线程和多线程通信。
import threading import win32com.client def thread_func(thread_id): # 初始化COM库 import win32com.client win32com.client.CoInitialize(None) try: # 在这里调用win32com包的方法 # ... finally: # 释放COM库资源 win32com.client.CoUninitialize() # 创建多个线程并执行 threads = [] for i in ...
Summary: Learn how serial communications in Microsoft Win32 is significantly different from serial communications in 16-bit Microsoft Windows. This article assumes a familiarity with the fundamentals of multiple threading and synchronization in Win32. In addition, a basic understanding of the Win32 ...
Even though GCC provides the threading features required by the C11 standard (like atomics, and thread-local storage), GNU libc, still does not implement the necessary library functions of the standard C thread API. Other popular platforms similarly lack support for the C11 thread functions, like...